Info please

  • eyebuster
    Posts: 1025

    I have a cousin that is 10. He will the in the cities staying at Lake Elmo while he attends Hockey camp. My question is can he fish the pier while he is there. He is a Wi. resident. Does my Aunt need to buy a license for him to fish. could he fish with my cousin who is licnsed mn fisherman. I could check the regs but I thought the IDA knowledge would be faster. Thanks

    Posts: 1025

    did some looking and it seems like he is out of luck. He needs to be with a license parent.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668


    Call the MN DNR, and ask the Fisheries Dept your question.

    That will be your best answer, may as well have the real facts…

    their no. is 651 296- 6157 or

    1-888-646 6367 toll free.


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I thought MN and WI had reciprocity if the kids were under 16.
    Meaning if they were under 16 they could fish regardless if they were in MN or WI. I could be wrong though.

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