Last week the Favorite Wife gives me a call in the morning. She’s chewing my ear off because of the lack of hospitality at a TCF bank on the east side of St Paul. It’s been this way for years…I don’t know way she would expect anything differant today??
She made a deposit using the Drive thru…and the teller never said one word to her from the beginning to end of the transaction. Personally…I like it when they don’t open they’re yap.
So…she’s in a bad mood…sometimes that’s all it takes for most of us I guess.
She hangs up with me then, about a hour later…still fuming about the deposit experiance…the light turns yellow and she stops (this is a odd occurance in it self!)
So this car pulls up on her passanger side…and as she takes a drink of coffee, glances over. There was a “big guy” that turned his head, gave a little nod and winked at her…and not in an uncomfortable way if you know what I mean.
That one wink by a stranger changed the whole outlook on the day for her.
Moral of this story?
Do something nice for a stranger and make their day…and…bank at US Bank.