About a week and a half ago, I slightly injured my back by lifting a generator out of my truck by myself (10 horse coleman). Wasn’t extremely heavy… but felt something give as I set it down. Anyway, it got sorer and sorer while I was camping at the county fair all week. Finally, on friday, I went in and got some pain meds. Vicodin, Flexirol, and Prednison (steroids). Was feeling just great the rest of the weekend. Well, Sunday night I was unloading the camper. Had already lifted the generator and back out again at home. Was doing great until I bent down to pick up a bed sheet. Something gave way and that was that. Could barely walk. I was able to walk with some difficulty on Monday… but by tuesday, it got worse. Decided to go in to urgent care on Wednesday… and after an hour of crawling out of bed to the front door… I couldn’t move. Wife had to call the ambulance. I am now at the hospital… they did an MRI and found herniated/slipped/blown disks in between my L5, l4 and S1. I am doped up on some stuff supposed to be 10 times stronger than morphine. Works fine as long as I stay still… but moving at all just about brings tears to my eyes. I am hoping to avoid surgery and we finally talked the internal med doctor overseeing me to getting a nuerologist to review the mri results. My wife had a similar problem with 1 disc and a shot of cordozone was all it took.
Anyone in IDA world have any advice or experiences they could share? I am getting quite nervous and really don’t want surgery. I have heard that once that can of worms is open… there is no going back. Any help would be appreciated.