August 15th is probably going to throw you into some green alge, pea soup. She can get really green…..really, really green!
Look at pulling cranks along the shorelines that are close to the river channel. You will see the contour lines on the DNR map. Doing this at low-light times should find you a fish or two?
There are good crappies to be found, as well as some smallies and lg mouth.
Plenty of channel cats and sheepshead, as well as a ton of carp and bullheads.
Come “high-noon” you get a lot of recreational traffic, but if the lake is really green, that might be a little slower.
Focus your energy on the rip-rap by the campsite, the bluff walls, and the north shore line, and also the southern shoreline between the bluff wall and the boyscout camp.
Those 4 areas are the “community” type fishing spots. Fish can be found in other places that are more “spot on the spot”, but takes a little time to find them and work those spots.