MinnKota PowerDrive vs Terrova

  • Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Just sold my bowmount MinnKota today, so I’ll be looking for a new one next spring. It’ll be tough making it thru this fall without one, but I’ll be all right. My biggest question right now is: what’s the big advantage of going with a Terrova over a regular PowerDrive? What are you paying for?

    I’m not really interested in the AutoPilot….it’s something I can definitely live without and save the cash on. Every time I was using it, I found myself correcting it anyway, and that wasn’t very often to begin with. Gotta have the universal sonar, though. And gotta be over 70lbs thrust.

    Thanks for your answers and opinions, guys.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Here’s perspective from a guy who’s used the new Terrova, the PowerDrive, and the Maxxum(mostly).

    I fished with the Terrova up on Mille Lacs this year. It was my first experience with the Terrova and I have to say I was thoroughly pleased with everything it had to offer.

    The foot pedal(to me) is much better than the PowerDrive(which I have used many times in the past). I say that because it’s a little closer to the Maxxum which is the motor I use. I like the dial speed adjustment on the Terrova a LOT better than the slide on the PowerDrive.

    I agree that the AutoPilot is not something for everyone, but I did find it useful when fishing in the wind. I was able to set the AutoPilot “ON” and engage the Momentary/Constant in the wind, keeping us in position. Something I’m not able to do with a PowerDrive or a Maxxum.

    I’d suggest finding someone who has a Terrova and ask to try it out. Some may love it while others may not.

    I for one would love to have a Terrova over the PowerDrive if I precision fished Walleyes like many of the guides/guys here. It definitely has it’s advantages. As it is, I fish for mainly Bass and the Maxxum keeps it simple for me.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    I used to have a power drive and have gotten a chance to test out the Terrova. There is really no comparing the two in my book. The Terrova is on a completely different level. I fought with our powerdrive all the time because it would not turn almost at all with the constant engaged. The terrova has more turning power so even when running it on constant it will turn and keep you going in the right direction. I think that the Terrova is definetly worth the extra money compared to the PD.

    Posts: 4062

    I like the Auto Pilot, lets you walk awy from the motor at time and still maintain course, I fell for a pinpoint motor, could never get the bottom track to work to my expectation, so I used it like a maxxum, I ended up going back to a Auto Pilot, I have the Terrova

    Lytton Iowa
    Posts: 268

    Have you ever considered the Motor Guide Wireless ? I have the W75 and it is awesome. It comes with a foot pedal and a hand held transmitter. I was going to buy a Terrova and at a boat show I learned about the Motor Guide. I have been a Minn kota guy for life and was skeptical , but I am definitely sold on the motor now.And it is about $400 cheaper. Im not stirring any pots , just throwing this out.

    Posts: 59

    My daughter just had to replace 2007 motor guide-(hand held etc) as they have an overheating issue. She got a Minn-Kota.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Brian, The Terrova is “the one” IMO, but like many things it comes down to money. If money wasn’t a factor, the terrova would be my easy choice. But you have to decide if it’s worth it to you. I would get the autopilot if you can afford it. One factor will be the manner in which you fish. If you need top-notch boat control, then the AP is one feature I would not do without.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Just my .02 here. The terrova is the only way to go. Much better turning and handling power. Also if you fish at all when it is cold the deploy and retract system is much much better than the power drive. The a.p. can be done with out but if you are able to get it i would.

    Just my .02 for .02

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