Boat manners

  • Greyghost
    Posts: 131

    How close do you get to other boats while passing them. I was anchored fishing a large area when a super boat with over 200 horses came up river flat out he had about a mile wide area of river to choose from but decided he liked the part 30 yards from me best. needless to say i rocked for quite some time. About 20 minutes later he came back down the river at just under the speed of light again almost on top of me. then he stopped with in a quarter mile turned around and came back got 100 yards above stopped fished for 20 seconds then had to bury the throttle on his way out. He had a nice boat but I think his brain was a bit messed up is there a place to call to report this type of happenings or do most just let it rest? Otherwise had a good time fishing.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    I have that happen to me all the time on the St Croix. In my case it is usually about a 30′ cruiser throwing a 4 foot wake. I don’t get worked up about it anymore – God grant me the serenity to accept those things I cannot change, the courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. In this case, wisdom wins out – you are not going to change this guy and I would work on maintaining my serenity. I figure I can get upset and diminish my enjoyment of what I am doing or just let it go and stay focused on enjoying my day and the company of my family . God grant me the serenity to accept those things I cannot change

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Steve got it right

    But I am not as wise as Steve and tend to yell at folks from time to time when they are way too close… not as often anymore as it does no good. I got used to the big cruisers on the croix sending tidal waves my way… fishing boats dont really raise an eyebrow anymore.

    The only time a complaint made a difference is when I had a problem with a commercial boat… it was less than 20′ away from my boat and their BOSS had a big problem with that when I called the company and complained. All future trip there is one giant ferry/paddle boat that will give fishermen room.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Yep…what Steve said

    Pool 8 has a ton of boat traffic as well. When fishing on a large area like you mentioned I wonder why they had to run past me but then, I just believe some don’t know better and some don’t care! Don’t let it wreck a day of fishing but shrug it off. It is hard as first, becomes easier and then almost comical thinking of some peoples river ethics

    When fishing a slough I expect boat traffic, with that said….I would rather have some style boats planed out (with a level headed operator) when they pass me because they do throw less wake, such as Bass Boats! Not that I want to get buzzed

    Just hang in there, don’t get upset, they go away after a while


    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    What Steve Said and>>>>>>>>>>>
    Then pick up the hookless casting bait and launch it their way

    Opppps didnt see ya there

    Scares the hell out of em but no damage is done.

    May not be the right thing but makes me feel better.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I agree with Clarence, Here we get it all the time on our muskie lake. Only difference is I’m accualy fishing when I launce at someone whos to close. Get their attention with a cowgirl

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    We all get irked by the next biggest boat. I’m like what is stated above. Just let it roll off my shoulder. Everyone has the right to do what their doing out there, even if it interferes with us.
    We all know us guys with the bass boats are not as liked as some. Its interesting though, you should try this….When you are having to run by someone and you know they are not to happy about, give them a wave first. Its so suprising how most of the time they’ll wave back.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    We all know us guys with the bass boats are not as liked as some.

    Not true here There is a hole breed of boats out there, some with manners and some without

    Like you said, let it roll off

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