On-board charger – 2 bank or 3 bank?

  • Drew14741
    Osage, Iowa
    Posts: 192

    Which should I put on my new boat and why?

    Posts: 4530

    How many batteries do you have? that will tell you what you need.

    Osage, Iowa
    Posts: 192

    2 trolling and 1 starting

    farmington, mn
    Posts: 54

    then you need a three bank.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    There is another option, I also have 2 trolling batteries and 1 starting batterie. I use a two bank charger on my 2 trolling batteries and I have a small on board trickle charger for my starting battery, it puts out 1.5 amps a very slow charge and is fully automatic so it will not over charge my battery. You can pick one of these up at fleet farm or Batteries Plus for around $29. This is also a good unit for when you store your rig in the winter as it will maintain and prolong the life of your batteries. I plug mine in when I get home and forget about it and I am good to go the next time out.

    Posts: 4062

    I would go 3 bank, that way your starting battery is fully charged

    Posts: 387

    I only run a 2-bank for the trolling motor batteries, starting battery is charged very quickly off the main engine. Even after sitting 6 or more hours with the radio, aerator, vhf radio, lights, sonar, and gps all running, the battery is charged after a few miles or so run wide open, but this will depend on your battery of course and your alternator. I believe you will have a 115 or 150 yammy, if i remember right, so u won’t have a problem.
    I also didn’t have room to mount the 3-bank where i wanted it, so that made the decision all the easier. I just throw a portable on it if nececary. If you have room for the charger though, u might as well go with it, the price difference is about $80 i believe. I recomend the MK 220 for a 2 bank or the MK 330 for a three bank. With these sizes u can plug them in for a few hours over dinner or whatever and get decent battery recovery to run all night, they will run 10 amps to each battery.
    See them HERE I run the 220 and have had no problems and it performs great. I get most of my Minn-Kota products at the Bobber Shop in Mankato, they can offer exceptionaly good deals if u talk with them, i’d guess because of Minn-Kota being located in Mankato, i don’t know for sure though. I’ve got everything quite a bit cheaper there and have had experienced great service.

    Good Luck, your gonna have a sweet rig when she is all setup. Think about everything before u mount it, feel free to post or pm more questions about anything, rod holders, electronics, vhf radios etc. It’s not often u get to rig out a new boat, so it pays to do it right the first time!

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    A three bank is the way I would go. For those months of Jan. and Feb. where your boat may sit in the garage for a couple of weeks. When its time to hit the water all 3 batteries will be good to go.

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