lms480 lowrance

  • fins4me5
    Posts: 10

    does anybody have any suggestions- I keep getting GPS module not responding. unit direct wired to battery with switch module and gps unit. Tired of calling and emailing Lowrance, about ready to throw overboard! Is there any way to test a module to see if it is working?

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    I assume you have tried a soft reset of the unit!

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    I had the same trouble with my 520. Make sure you use the 60-ohm terminator on the end of your network wires.

    Another thing to check…they don’t put the fuses in the in-line fuse holders.

    This may help too: Cable connectons

    Posts: 10

    fuses are good and terminator is good- and I’ll check the placement of it but, I think it is correct. I have not rechecked the connections- thanks will let you know.

    Posts: 10

    tell me more- is that where you disconnect it from the battery and then reconnect-if yes, I have done that.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107


    tell me more- is that where you disconnect it from the battery and then reconnect-if yes, I have done that.

    I think you are referring to the soft reset? Disconnecting the battery will not do it.

    Someone will chime in on how to do a soft reset. (I don’t know).

    Welcome to IDA!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Where you located??? Find someone near you that has the same antenna / puck and or unit. That way you can narrow it down to the unit, antenna, or connections.

    Posts: 10

    why-did I not think of that. Litchfield,MN

    Posts: 45

    You should update the software to the latest available version. I had the same problem until I updated the firmware on the unit.

    If you don’t know how to update the firmware, just go to the lowrance website and navigate to the updates pages. Click on the link for the 480 update and following the instructions.

    Posts: 10

    thanks – looks like I’ll be spending more money to get the map reader and card hook ups. Lowrance is not stupid. Its like I downloaded Internet Explorer 7 right after it came out- cost me $300. to get my computer right well, mostly right after.

    Posts: 365


    unit direct wired to battery with switch module and gps unit.

    When you say GPS unit are you talking about the GPS module(white puck)? I have the 480 and had some problems with it initially too. You have to make sure the wire marked NMEA 2000 is hooked to power(battery).If it isn’t your puck won’t get any juice and you’ll get that message. They don’t make that clear in the hook up instructions. If it worked before and just now started acting up I would suspect a short in the wiring somewhere or a bad puck.

    I did update the software on mine although I don’t think it had anything to do with the puck. Depending on your unit you might already have all the updates. The software version on mine is 1.3. If you need it, Lowrance should be able to send you out a chip to load the update into your unit, then you send the chip back. Their tough to get a hold of but you can usually get through if you can wait on hold long enough. I usually put them on speaker phone and read a mag or something while I’m waiting.

    Posts: 45

    The firmware update fixes the communication problems between the unit(s) and the puck.

    Another hint to anyone wiring up a NEMA network: Follow those instructions carefully and only connect power to the NEMA network at ONE location. Do not connect power to the NEMA power lines more than once. You will not be able to communicate with your antenna and possibly cause other problems.

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