To boo or not to boo…

  • jeff_jensen
    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    that is the question.
    Taking my family to Miller park to watch the “Crew” on Sun. My sons,age 10 and 7,already know my position when it comes to Barry Bonds as I have told them that I,along with a few other fans of the game will not cheer for this man.
    My sons love baseball and after explaining to them how this man has given the game a black eye I will let them decide what to do.
    IMHO,this man deserves zero respect,the same respect that he himself has given to baseball,his team mates,the media and to the fans .
    Anyway I hope the presently punchless Brewers can give us a memorable game and keep the red hot cubbies at an arms length for the division lead

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    boo away! It will be a sad day for baseball to have Hanks record broken.

    Posts: 171

    hank’s record will not be broken !!!! He did it the fair way

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Hank was average at best…

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542


    Hank was average at best…

    Not your average mortal!

    I hope Bonds back or something goes out and he can’t finish this year or any other year. Then he retires.

    Hate to wish that on someone but I dont think it is right!

    Posts: 132

    Bonds wont break the recored untill he is at home.
    But he will break it though

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    I remember watching Raoger Maris hit #61, and because Mantle was the Bronx’s beloved, Maris never got the respect he desreved, and he did it on beer and hot dogs, not steroids! I hope when it happens, and it will, that they, baseball, will put asteriks before and after the number, designating, “done by steriod injection!”

    Posts: 1514

    i think if alot of the players you or sons cheer for in ALL sports were tested you would be boo-ing alot.

    La Crosse, Wi
    Posts: 177

    I will have to say I agree with you on the Bonds cheating aspect. But, to answer your question….. I would take the high road (especially with the kids along) and simply show apathey when he is at bat. Kids are like sponges. They like to emulate adults and people they look up to. Working in a high school, I see way too much poor sportsmanship from the kids. Just like you wouldn’t want your kids to do what Bonds has done to get to this point, I trust you would want them to be good sports. So give them a good example to live by! Cheer like mad for the Brewers pitching to strike him out (being positive) but don’t boo the person (being negative). Just my .02 fish bucks.

    Columbus, WI
    Posts: 7

    I agree with labman, Bonds will get his just dues at some point. As far as the record goes, Aaron did it on beer and hotdogs, and fun doing it, gave the fans a great show.

    Posts: 1552

    Nice post Labman! It is nice seeing people out there that are not always seeing the negative side of things. I also coach youth hockey and see the poor sportsmanship too. Children emulate their parents more than anyone else, so we have to set a good example. I vote for, cheering for the pitcher, and hope he goes down swinging. Have fun at the game, that is what it is all about!

    Posts: 1493

    Im all for booin the heck outta him,as long as your kids know why. My 6 yr old boy asked me recently why are they booing him. So I told him that he did drugs and cheated to win, and nobody likes a junkie or a cheater.
    So, if you boo him in front of your kids, and they know why, then i think your sending a positive message to your boys…

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4547

    I will be at the game in San Fran on Tuesday. I hope he has a chance to break or tie it when I am there. I care about the steroids, but I also want to see a part of history.

    I really dont know why they say that this record is so revered, Aaron was consistantly very good for a long time, but he was not a great HR hitter. He played in small parks and wasnt a perennial candidate for the HR title.

    State Center, Iowa
    Posts: 330

    He might deserve a boo but I don’t believe in it and think it would’nt teach the kids anything. I’d rather just tell the kids how and why I felt.

    Posts: 864

    There were alot of things in hank aarons day the players were taking openly in the clubhouse before and during every game that could get you thrown in jail today. Mainly speed. Far too many things are diferent in todays game to compare the two eras. Whatever bonds has done has been against players and piers in an even playing field. Enjoy the history being made.

    Posts: 813

    Did somebody say Hank was average at best? Obviously you know nothing about baseball at all. I believe the most HR’s he ever hit in one year was about 40. He played in a era when the pitchers had all the advantages. The mound was much lower until the early seventies, the pitching was 100% better because there were alot fewer teams so the pitching was not nearly as watered down as it is today. Not to mention the crap Hank had to go through simply because of the color of his skin. He had to endure death threats because a black man was going to break a record held by a white man. I believe Hank ended the season one homerun short of tying the Babe and had to go a whole off with the death threats and other crap. If anything Hank is the most under rated and consistant players ever. As for the booing; I don’t like it no matter the situation, I believe it sets a bad example. It is just baseball.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603


    Did somebody say Hank was average at best? Obviously you know nothing about baseball at all.

    I meant average offensively defensively he was poor…

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939

    Be the grownup, say something nice or don’t say anything at all. Don’t leave a bad impression on your kids.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Thanks for the great input everyone! Turns out that Bonds didn’t play today but we got to see a good Brewer game with the “Crew” coming out ahead. My boys had a great time at their first Miller park experience being able to watch a few long balls,some good defense,and just enjoying a beautiful day

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765


    Nice post Labman! It is nice seeing people out there that are not always seeing the negative side of things. I also coach youth hockey and see the poor sportsmanship too. Children emulate their parents more than anyone else, so we have to set a good example. I vote for, cheering for the pitcher, and hope he goes down swinging. Have fun at the game, that is what it is all about!

    Have to go with you guys on this one. The older I get, the mellower I become… I have worked with wrestlers for many, many years and have seen it way too much. I try to take the high road…didn’t say it is easy…but that is my goal. jmo. Ted

    Posts: 387

    Who is this Barry Bonds guy anyway?

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542


    Who is this Barry Bonds guy anyway?

    A non feilding, non teamer, non runner, pill junkie, who hits for the big HR thats it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Here’s some things to ponder. Alot of the players to be disciplined in the last couple seasons for steroid use have been pitchers. If you believe steroid use helps a player hit the ball farther, then do steroids also help a pitcher throw harder? Would that make it harder for a player to hit a home run?

    In my mind, all of these questions raise even more questions as to the impact steroids have on the records and performance of the game. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating using illegal drugs in sports, but their impact on the game and its records isn’t as clear as things might seem on the surface. When Babe Ruth was hitting homers on Beer & hotdogs (with prohibition at the time), beer was illegal. Should his achievements be scrutinized the same way ?

    big g

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711

    the difference is, is that beer is only a performance enhancing drug when it involves ugly women at bar time

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    big g

    Posts: 1514

    I think I remember a quarterback from Wisconsin relying on painkillers, and I think everyone let that slide under the rug

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542


    I think I remember a quarterback from Wisconsin relying on painkillers, and I think everyone let that slide under the rug


    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Bonds is a tough one to decide on. He is, obviously, a complete jerk as a person (well worse, but those words aren’t allowed here. He has obviously done some type of roids. But as someone pointed out above, how many of the pitchers he faces have also done them? What percentage of baseball is or has been on them? And, the players of the past used their own devices to enhance performance (speed, etc.). Phil Niekro is in the Hall of Fame, and he’s a known, hell almost celebrated ball doctorer (ie, cheater).

    Hank Aaron, by the way is one of the Top 10 OF’s of all time. Average, please.

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