Lowrance is upgrading my 334 IGPS Sonar/GPS unit

  • hookem
    Posts: 1027

    Late last August I purchased a Lowrance 334 IGPS. I was only able to use it 2 times last fall and it worked fine. This spring when I went to Canada it started acting up finding and losing GPS position and the color display got really bad. Hard to see anything on it and the numbers for depth,water temp, etc. were greenish yellow instead of black. I sent the unit to Lowrance after talking to a customer service rep. and getting a return number. Their website showed they received it 2 days later. A week after I sent it in I called them because I wanted to know how long I would have to wait for it. Got a different tech. Tried to convince her to upgrade it to the new model 522C but the she told me they don’t do that unless the unit comes in for service more than 2 times. I told her I wanted to speak to a supervisor about it. She told me she would have one call me the next day. A week and half later I was still waiting for the call. So Thursday morning I called them again and got 3rd customer rep. I told her the whole story and told her I would not have purchased that model if I had known all the problems that Lowrance is having with them and had I known it was going to be replace in a few months I would have waited for the new model to come out. I also said that this is the first Lowrance product I have purchased and that it might be the last and then I and asked again to speak to a supervisor. She asked if I had already talked to one before. So I told her the story about asking to speak to one before and that they never called me back. She put me on hold for 10-15 minutes and when she finally came back on the line she asked me what she needed to do to make me happy. I told her I wanted them to upgrade my 334C to the new 522C. She asked me how much I paid for it and put me on hold again for a few minutes. When she came back on the line she told me she talked to the upgrade department and that they would send me the 522 unit as soon as they get the next shipment. . The first 2 reps. kind of stonewalled me, but the 3rd was very pleasant and seemed to really care about my being satisfied with Lowrance. I kept my cool and never got ugly with any of the reps. and I argued my point to them and was persistant about it and it payed off.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 478

    Good for you. Persistance pays off.

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    Oh GREAT! I just bought one of these second hand, thought it would make a nice bow unit.
    Hope it holds up for a while!

    Posts: 55

    You Lowrance owners need to contact Linda Colt. linda.colt@navico.com or call 918-438-8747 for problems or service. She is the BEST . She WILL get the ball rollin on ANY problem,,,,RIGHT NOW <*)}}}><

    Posts: 1027

    Received my 522C today. I know where I’ll be tonight, playing in my boat.

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