Okay,I was intrigued, so after long calculations and a
good Brandy I have come up with the results to Brianks
A total of 1,604 rods were claimed by a total of 57
entries bringing the avg. sum to 28.14035 sticks claimed
per fishermen.
These calculations are more than likely
inaccurate considering one guy pleaded the
fifth I did take matters into my own hands
guessing this person at 101 rods knowing full well he
would have to have at least one more rod than Scott!
I am not sure how many Mr. Larson has at the bottom of the
lake but if he knows the location mabe we can find them
in about 3 weeks.Grand total avg.per IDA paticipant=
29.3! By the way I have around 30 so that still puts us
under 30 at 29.9. Whats the matter boys,did the wives confiscate a few WHEW