MN State Record Shovelnose Sturgeon~ Everts Resort

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    In both cases…of the sturgeon and myself…you are correct Whatsa.

    It’s more pointed.

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    I saw them too, but I’m pretty sure the fish was caught a couple of weeks ago as the pic was on the baitshop counter when I was up over the weekend of the 16th.

    Vermillion, South Dakota
    Posts: 1


    I saw them too, but I’m pretty sure the fish was caught a couple of weeks ago as the pic was on the baitshop counter when I was up over the weekend of the 16th.

    I also saw the pick in the bait shop that weekend

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Awesome, way to go Nelia.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946


    What the…?

    That’s it, I’m making a list of all these off the wall records.

    I probably caught three or four bigger than that last fall walleye fishing on the Minnesota

    That record just might fall this year

    Dtro.. I am pretty certain they cant be kept in the MN river. I hve caught/seen some really big ones from the MN river too(caught and released).

    Posts: 1501



    What the…?

    That’s it, I’m making a list of all these off the wall records.

    I probably caught three or four bigger than that last fall walleye fishing on the Minnesota

    That record just might fall this year

    Dtro.. I am pretty certain they cant be kept in the MN river. I hve caught/seen some really big ones from the MN river too(caught and released).

    I’m such a moron

    Now I know why I tossed them back

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    From Neliea Rhose


    On May 31, 2007 around 7:00 pm I caught a 36 inches long Shovelnose Sturgeon with my 7 foot St. Croix rod, Abu Garcia Record reel, 50 lb Whiplash line and 0/3 Gamakatsu hook full of night crawlers. After weighing at the Everets Resort, my husband and I knew that I had probably caught the MN State Record. The fish was then taken to Joe’s Sporting Goods where their scale certified it at 5 lb 9 oz. The next step was to complete an application at the DNR and have the fish positively identify.The workers at the DNR were very helpful and friendly.
    After a week and a half I received a letter of confirmation from the DNR that I had caught the New MN State Record Shovelnose Sturgeon. WOW! COOL!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Talk about a fish story that will told and told and told…………. That is way to cool!

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