surprising Picture

  • braaten10
    Austin, Minnesota
    Posts: 49

    Today me and a few buddies went out fishing on the Cedar River just to mess around a little(for you that are familiar with Austin right behind Mapleview) and my buddy just through out a panther martin and first cast caught this 14in walleye. Not a trophy but it was just surprising

    Austin, Minnesota
    Posts: 49

    im having a little troubel with the picture

    Austin, Minnesota
    Posts: 49

    hope this works

    Long Prairie,MN
    Posts: 402

    are ya sure that isn’t a sauger?

    Mankato, Mn
    Posts: 296

    nice to see some walleyes bein caught around spamtown it will be interesting too see what happens with them all in the next few years. lets see you beat the 25 incher i caught couple years back haha. we might have to fish that spot sometime next week

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    White tip on tail = Walleye …RR

    Deer Park WI
    Posts: 451

    always fun to get an eye … nice fish

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Yep, white tip on tail and black blotch on the top..definitely a walleye there..

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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