Falling Out The Back Of Your Boat.

  • jmiller
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296

    Anyone out there ever had there seat brake on them and getting knocked out by hitting your head on the motor? Well that is exactly what happened to me on Sunday During the MTT tournament on Winnie. Just wondering if my partner had reacted as quick as he did what would have happened. Just wondering if anyone else has any good story about seats braking on them?

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    That sounds scary. I take it you had your life jacket on?

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296

    I didn’t fall out i was laying in back though up against my vantage and my wave whacker out cold for two min.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939

    So what was the cause of the seat breaking?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Wow that is scary glad you are ok. I have heard of this happening before, there was a news report on it but I do not remember what channel. They said this is quite common, I think they said the reason this happens when the floor starts to rot out also the seats pedestal gets jarred back and forth allot on the water. Apparently allot of boat manufactures do not treat the wooden floors with anything

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296

    The base broke in about 10 pieces. The boat is an 05 and the base was replaced less than two weeks ago.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    What type of seat base was it?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Holst and I went round and round with a boat manufacturer who shall remain nameless about seat bases, and the dangers we found pertaining to bad designs, and potentially deadly situations. Nothing was ever recalled. I wonder if this is related.
    Glad you are OK CBE!

    Becker, MN
    Posts: 75

    I had a seat come out of a base once and luckily I was sitting towards the middle of the boat and didn’t go over. I had a couple bumps and bruises, but it could have been worse. I surely don’t want to have it happen again!!

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    You should tell the manufacturer , dont really want that
    to happen to anybody . Atleast you had a good freind on board….

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Haven’t had a seat break on me yet but fell out of the boat doing the crappie dance one night glad to see you are doing alright though sir

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I’ve never had a base break… however, I did get thrown over the transom and found myself hanging onto the lower unit to keep myself in the moving boat once!

    Moving Boat = “Fisher Sherry” preparing to pull the boat out with me in it, the suburban rolled a few inches backwards and she paniced and floored it! Needless to say the boat trailer bounced up the ramp as the boat and myself bounced wherever we ended up. I think she hit 30 mph by the top of the ramp, and slamming on the brakes didnt feel much better, but at least kept me in the boat.

    The seat pedistal held great

    Posts: 168

    Never had a seat break….but It seems I fall out of the boat every other year or so. Last year I was pre-fishing on Lake okojobi in one of the shallow canals. I set the hook on a fish and the line broke(pike)lost my balance and instead of falling out on my side I thought I would just jump in and only get wet to my waist. Turns out it was alot deeper than I thought. Went completly under.

    Posts: 1957

    Haven’t had that happen…yet! OUCH!! It’s a GREAT REMINDER…WEAR YOU LIFEVESTS FOLKS!!

    Last season, Vermilion, at the ramp after a day of fishing with the wife. I backed the trailer in, she loaded the boat, I pulled out. As she was stepping out of the boat her foot caught a rod holder, down she went on the concrete HEAD first!! Never been so scared in my life, the sound of skull (back of the head) hitting the concrete from that distance isn’t pretty!! She couldn’t move ANYTHING, her body went in to shut down mode!! She got a much needed ambulance ride to Virginia, I had to take the truck. The entire way there and a few hours in the waiting room I believed my wife was paralyzed! Never prayed that much in my life! Ended up with a severe concussion, thank god! She wobbled and slurred her speech for a few days, almost like she was drunk. Actually felt the effects for months. The scariest thing thus far we’ve had to deal with. I get chills just thinking about it. It’s that sound I’ll NEVER forget! Well, won’t forget any part of that day!

    Good to hear your OK!


    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    So how I was saying to cantact the manufacturer because the seats are Im sure built by someone else besides the boat company . They sound like they are made of plastic and with posibly a few changes it could solve the problem
    My 2 cents

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    We had our issue with Atwater bases.

    Erick, the visual of you doing a crappie dance and falling out of the boat just made me pee a little.

    Seattle Washington
    Posts: 88

    Sounds scary to me , I allways thought safety was one of the first things I guess i think that way now.

    marshall, mn
    Posts: 79

    I have not fallen out of the boat yet, but I did have a base pull out of a rotten floor. I was up front on the platform and flopped over backwards, over the gear, tackle bags, cooler and whatever else was laying there. The guy I was with spilled more beer laughing at me than I did tipping over
    Serious though, glad your OK

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296

    It is a Lund Boat.

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    Seriously, that something that needs to be addressed.

    On a lighter note, i had a buddy go in goose hunting last year. Two big old Canadians flew straight at us, i took the one on my side and my buddy missed his first two shots and decided not to give up, and well leaned too far back, and went backwards out of the boat. Worst thing was, i swear i heard that goose laugh at him…

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Tuckner you would have laughed at that one even the Game Warden on his way to check us was laughing but made me show him my I.D to show I was 21 to though but I will ltell ya one thing we caught the crappies that day maybe I will come up to The big Pond soon and do some midnight slip bobber fishing and do the walleye dance in the “Big Blue” G3

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316


    Glad to hear you are ok. This situation has prompted me to upgrade to an inflatable PFD in case i ever have the same happen. Thanks for sharing.

    Chaska, MN
    Posts: 313

    On my previous boat my buddy was sitting up front on a butt seat and the base let loose and he fell from up on the front casting deck all the way down to the main floor. I thought the pedestal broke but it just came loose and popped out. It was a faulty design for sure and the manufacturer no longer uses this style base. Luckily my buddy didn’t get anything but a bruised ego but it was a lesson learned.

    Long Lake IL.
    Posts: 350

    Now your bumming me out knowing the brand name!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296

    Yeah but it was a base that had been replaced by crystal peirz marine less than two weeks ago.It was not the original that Lund had put in the boat.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    Erick, the visual of you doing a crappie dance and falling out of the boat just made me pee a little.

    That was one of the funniest stories I’ve ever heard!!!!

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