Brainerd area??

  • braaten10
    Austin, Minnesota
    Posts: 49

    Im leaving tomorrow for kavanughs resort on Sylva Lake with the whole family. Im hoping to get a lot of fishing done but I don’t know what’s hot around the area right now. I am open to any suggestions of near by lakes.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Greetings fellow Austinite! I grew up in the SE part of town about a block from Kaufmann Park. What part of town do you call home?

    Posts: 337

    all i have to say is use spot tail shinners in this area and 1/4 once to 3/8 once fireball char truase or green. work 20 feet of water, i was in the area for memorail weekend and in four days me and a buddy got 70 plus eyes. cant say the lakes but its very close to the north end of bainerd so close u can hear the BIR raceway.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Let me make some calls, and I will get some info for you this afternoon.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Rumor has it that for eyes, Pelican is really good right now. Gull not so good. North Long is average but smaller fish. Round is hit OR miss this time of year, work the weed edges.
    The lake that you are on is a good bass and panfish lake. Other panfish, bass lakes that should be going are Gull, North Long, Hubert, and Edwards.
    Any other questions, send a PM and I will see if I can help.


    Posts: 285

    Slider is right,Pelican,6’lindys with a spottail,try the rifle site area.

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