Fewer cruisers on the river?

  • KirtH
    Posts: 4062

    Has anyone noticed if there are fewer of these goofs running up and down the river with high gas prices?

    One could only hope

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765

    I would guess there will definitely be less traffic on the river this summer. Those cruisers are HOGS when it comes to gas!! Ted

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I haven’t noticed a huge drop in the number of cruisers however I have seen a noticeable drop in the number of Baja type boats as well as Jet Skis. I don’t mind at all that there are fewer of those obnoxiously loud Baja type boats on the water. We have an over abundance of them down on this stretch of the river. I proposed an open season on them a couple years ago but the DNR wouldn’t go along with it.


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    I was on Pool 2 from Noon until about 6:30 PM yesterday. I saw two cruisers, that was it. And they were both going dead slow. It’s kind of nice.


    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    here in Hudson I’m not noticing them out of their slips very much. if they do come out they are usually anchored in groups and not going up and down river. fuel must be over $4.00/gal out there. 100 gallon tanks or more. sure cuts into beer money

    Posts: 1137

    I see it as the only advantage to the high gas prices

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    I’m not ready to make that call yet because of all the lousy weather. We’ll see.

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    I guess my opinion would be if you have the money for those type of (ships) whats a 3-4 dollar a gallon gas shouldnt be a show stopper.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 3

    Right there with ya SteveO. I fish from shore in Hudson adn have had A LOT fewer boats/cruisers disturbing my fishing this year compared to last. Nice to have some peace and quiet while fishing.

    Hastings, mn
    Posts: 125

    I have noticed alot more of them Cruisers for sale on the side of the road this year to.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Well it’s probably more of a “Spring” thing, after awhile the boating yahoos, tend to taper off for the summer, from my experince anyways.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I am sure they will be catching up on the cruising.

    The St croix river.. the average cruiser is a $50K – $500K+ boat(or ship?)… I have a really hard time believing with the average *elite* budget to work with to buy a boat like that in the 1st place… an expensive tank of fuel isnt going to stop them.

    I heard a guy whining last year that they had to pull his boat out of the slip to get into a shop one afternoon last year… then $850 to top off the fuel to prep for a trip to treasure island that evening? It must be rough, I didnt have much pity for him.

    I whine when I have to top off my 12 gallon tank in the boat!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    I heard a guy whining last year that they had to pull his boat out of the slip to get into a shop one afternoon last year… then $850 to top off the fuel to prep for a trip to treasure island that evening? It must be rough, I didnt have much pity for him.

    He’s laughable! One, he must not have much confidence in his gambling skills and two, he’s the first person I’ve heard of whining about the expense of “going” gambling! “I would’ve had a thousand dollars for the casino tonight but I had to put $850 in the gas tank!” Renting a huge limo would’ve been cheaper!

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