
  • wade
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Okay, so I was out in the yard playing with my two year old daughter last night and there were and are ants everywhere. Not just in the grass but crawling on her as well. Anyway, is there anything I can get to put down on the grass to reduce the amount in my yard? I know I wont kill them all but to at least reduce it down would help.


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    I am pretty sure it is called “sevin” and it is on sale at Menard’s. I have the same issue every year. all you do is spread it,then over spray to wach teh stuff into the dirt and you are good to go. I think it is a 24 hour off for the kids/doge. so I put mine down when I am heading out of town. or done out side for the day and such if I know I have about 209 hours of no activity on it.


    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Thanks Broncos Guy, what do you over spray?

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    just water. what I normally do is spread it. then walk back and forth with the sprayer on misting. seems to work. I also put a little extra in teh “high concentraion areas” or go over that area twice instead of once to take care of them. .


    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    What works for me is Diazinon granules. If you got them in your yard it’s just a matter of time that you get them in your house. Every year in the late spring I go around my house with the shaker container and “encircle” it with this product. I’ve never done my whole lawn with it but a one pound can ($5.29) goes a long ways. The ants seem to take the granules back to their nests and I’m guessing it wipes out the whole nest. GooD luck.

    Posts: 507

    Another product that works well is in a liquid form. It is called Tempo SC Ultra. It has a very low use rate and is a quite safe product, in fact it is approved for use in food prep areas, so if you ever have ants in the house you can spray cupboards, countertops and such. It does a good job overall, plus, when sprayed on your yard, it will control the mosquitos for a little while as well. This product might be considerably safer if children are a factor. It can be found at most Agricultural retailers. It is spendy, but has a very low use rate. If you get in the area, you could check with UAP Distribution in Big Lake, talk to Bill, I know he has it.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Thanks for the tip, I know my dad uses Tempo at his cabin for mosquitos mostly, but didn’t know it would work on ants too….

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    Good point with the Tempo. I use it for Asian beetles and Box Elder bugs in the fall. Your quite right as far as spendy but I think the usage rate is 8mls per gallon. That bottle will last a very long time.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    A bottle is around $40 or $50 or is it more then that?

    Posts: 507

    A bottle of Tempo should be around $40, but not much more than that, if someone wants $50, keep looking. The low end use rate is 8ml per gallon of water, and the high use rate (severe infestation and longer residual control) is 16ml per gallon of water. Each bottle is 240ml. so at the low rate each bottle would make 30 gallons of spray. Works well, will control bees, hornets, and wasps as well! just have to use the high rate

    Good Luck

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Thanks I know what I am going to buy now!

    shane huskey
    holmen wi
    Posts: 56

    Guy you might want to talk to is AmWatson. he used to kill tose things for a living. he has the name of some good poisons that work great.

    Croix Valley
    Posts: 689

    Does Tempo work for spiders as well? We had our house sprayed by Plunketts once and it was supposed to cover every bug that has a wax coating by breaking down the waxy shell and they all die when it gets on them, they don’t even bring it back to a nest. They charged under $100 and we did not have any bug issues for over a year. at the time it seemed like a bargain, but if I could do it myself, well……Tempo it is!

    Posts: 5130

    Tempo Ultra will take care of just about any insect and arachnid The most important thing to do before buying or using any pesticide is to READ THE LABEL. Just because I as well as others may recommend something, doesn’t mean it will work for you. For most insect applications I would recommend Tempo, but if you are having a specific bug problem, find out if the chemical/pesticide is right for you. On all bottles or packages of chemicals/pesticides there is a label with what it will kill as well as any safety precautions. My experience with Tempo, which was extensive, is it is a great all around pesticide for the typical homeowner in the Midwest. It is easy to use, low in danger, and is residual. For most insects you will want to do a perimiter spray. A perimiter spray is sraying a 3 foot area from the foundation out on the ground. This will create a barrier that will help to prevent and kill bugs before they have a chance to enter your house. Typically the spray will last up to 30 days, hence the residual effect. Any substantial rain can and will dilute the pesticide so keep that in mind. Once dried though, this chemical is still going to be doing its job even with a little rain. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I held a Commercial Pesticide Applicators License in WI and MN that allowed me to apply pesticides to residential and farm structures as well as treat for rats

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    Hey Wats,

    I have a question about the perimeter spray. If I spray this on a driveway leading to an attached garage do I have a problem if people walk barefoot on that area? Is Tempo readily absorbed thru the skin?


    Posts: 5130

    curmudgeon-Once the Tempo is dry, you can safely walk barefoot through it In liquid form it is more readily absorbed, but it takes prolonged exposure before you get any harmful effects. We used it at dairy farms where people are in contact with the sprayed area all day.

    The Sand Prairie
    Posts: 1844

    Thanks Wats! Excellent info

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