This was sent to me by a concerned IDA member. The City of Inver Grove Heights wants to ban bow hunting. There are many reasons why this should not go through! Let’s hear your opinions!
I need a huge favor from IDA if possible. I just got word that the city
of Inver Grove Heights is having a city counsel meeting on June 12, 2007 from 5-6:30pm regarding bow hunting within the city. There is a group of anti-hunters that are trying to get bow hunting banned within the city limits. Being the hunters you both are I don’t need to explain what this means to our sport What I’m asking from you is to get a post up on the site right away asking anyone and EVERYONE to attend the meeting if possible. I know most of the guys on the site probably don’t bow hunt this city but it would help make a stand where one needs to be taken against these bambi lovers!! The more voices and people we can get to attend the better off our stance will be. I am personally taking the lead on this and trying to coordinate an effort to get as many people as I can to attend.
Let me know what you guys think!