I think holding fish way out and not smiling is the absolute worst way to take fish pictures. I don’t always smile in my pictures, But I like to have a pleasent look on my face and not look cocky either. I try to have myself and the fish take up most of the picture, with the head of the fish on top (or in the top corner) and the tail of the fish on the bottom (or bottom corner) I love getting good scenery in the background, it is a natural element, but I don’t enjoy revealing spots. You may notice by my pictures, that I don’t like to hold the fish out. My elbows are always bentand holding the fish in close to my body. It isn’t where you are holding the fish, it is where/how you are holding the camera. Take pictures closer up and you won’t have to look like and idiot basically bending over to hold the fish out as far as possible
I want the fish to look natural, and when I catch big fish, they look like big fish, because they ARE!
Just wanted to get my point out, you don’t need to hold the fish out to get a nice picture and make the fish look big. This fish was 18″ and held right tight to my body and it still looks huge!