Fish Pictures?

  • catdadmn
    Southeast minnesota
    Posts: 94

    I ma sure that this is going to raise a little fuss but I have a question that really bothers me. Why is it that a lot of people insist on sticking their arms out towards the camera to take a picture of their fish. If you were proud enough of the fish to get the camera out then do it justice and hold it near your body. Work on things like lighting, angle, supporting the fish, background etc. Everytime I see one of these photos I instantly close the screen as it just makes me cringe. A photo says 10000 words so why make them all lies about the size of the fish. I would much rather see a 4# walleye close to your body and a big smile over an 8# fish getting slime on the lense.There are some guys on here who take great photos. I personally will not shoot the photo until whoever I am taking it of bends their arms. Sorry to vent just my two cents. Chris

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    Sorry Catdad…I’m guessing you’re refering to my avitar.

    It was barely a 1 lb channel cat…I think it looks like a 2 pounder in the pic…if it’s not looked at closely.

    Seriously, to me…size is over rated. Having fun is what’s most important. A small fish picture with a big grin trumphs a big fish picture without the person looking happy…whether it’s extended towards the camera or not.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13290

    You got any examples of this? Not everyone is top notch at the photo skills. When I take photos I like to get the fish to take up most of the picture. If someone is holding it I try to get the head and tail of the fish right out to the edges of the photo and the top of the persons head very near the top of the photo. Now this is not always possable all the time but I try.
    Now lighting and any thing else that goes with a good photo I just dont know about.

    Anyone know how to use the timer on my camera?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59988

    I’m not sure it would be a good idea to referance any photos…

    But as for the timer…turn the dial to timer…press the button and get ready…10 second and you’ll have a picture.

    Some have tripods that mount on chairs ect. I’m lucky enough to have an old camera that the lens turn all the way around. I can actually see myself before taking the shot.
    Otherwise the camera has to be set up on a dash or seat and it’s trial and error until it’s right.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13290

    Didnt mean for cat to put up photos of other people. Thought maybe he may be able to put up his own example. Or maybe someone else may want to.

    Brian. There is no dial on my camera. Maybe I need to get one.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Didnt mean for cat to put up photos of other people. Thought maybe he may be able to put up his own example. Or maybe someone else may want to.

    Brian. There is no dial on my camera. Maybe I need to get one.


    A timer is a pretty basic function. Most digi-cameras have one. What kind of camera do you have?

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13290

    It is a Olympia D-380. Must be about 7 years old now.

    Okay. Just found the time button. Guess its the one with the clock symbol on it.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571
    #573695 ask why people put their hands out when taking a pic of their fish..I think you answered your own question…The focus is on the fish…not so much on the person maybe or whats in the back ground or whats under the fish…tha focus is the fish I guess so make it the focus and hold it out…When I shoot the big buck with the bow…his head is out in front of me, as with the turkey I shot this year and the pheasant pictures from this past year..Yes everyone knows it makes it (the focus of the pic)look bigger but in my opinion who cares…If your competing on size by the picture somethings wrong…a big person will make the fish look smaller then a smaller should our height and weight be added to peoples pictures as well??….My opinion ..enjoy the catch and if you want to take the pic standing on your head I dont care as long as your havin a good time and the fish is able to swim away to be caught again smile and enjoy fishin I dont mean any disrespect…hopefully you respect my opinion as I respect yours..again enjoy the fishing season…Jay

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    It is a Olympia D-380. Must be about 7 years old now.

    Okay. Just found the time button. Guess its the one with the clock symbol on it.

    It took you 7 years to find it???

    I have to agree on this as it is one of my pet peeves. To me when I see that in a picture I feel the person is trying to make the fish look bigger than it is. That might not be fair, but I am just being honest. I like holding the fish close as it gives me a reference later to how big it was, especially when comparing to other fish I catch.

    The one thing I have to work on in my photos is holding the fish high which always seems awkward to me when I am doing it. But in doing so, later you can eliminate a lot of wasted space by cropping it. Plus, it looks much better than holding the fish low.

    Taking photos with a timer by yourself is really hard. I suggest setting up first thing and taking a few trial pictures without a fish and marking the spot that you figure is the right distance. I made that mistake of not being ready again on Saturday. Here’s the result cropped and un cropped. The photo is ruined because of my posture.

    So preparation is what I am working on now and proper colors to wear. My good friend Brian pointed out with flats, blues and reds work well as they provide a good backdrop to the fish. Always remember to have the sun shining towards the subject directly. Oh and smile and don’t have a confused look on your face (see photo above)

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1025


    Sorry Catdad…I’m guessing you’re refering to my avitar.

    It was barely a 1 lb channel cat…I think it looks like a 2 pounder in the pic…if it’s not looked at closely.

    Seriously, to me…size is over rated. Having fun is what’s most important. A small fish picture with a big grin trumphs a big fish picture without the person looking happy…whether it’s extended towards the camera or not.

    You know, there is so many ways I could go with this statement…. I guess the best thing is to just leave it alone.

    Yes, I agree with the original poster. It looks really stooopid when guys extend their arms to the locked position when holding a fish for a picture.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I also have to go with I hate seeing pics where the fish is made to look like a monster… What I also hate is a straight face or no emotion face when someone is getting their picture taken. Fishing is fun…enjoy it.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3065


    I can actually see myself before taking the shot.

    And you still take the picture….. I’m sure you’ve scarred yourself a few times by your natural beauty…


    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I agree with you for the most part Cat.. However,, I think it’s more of a tragedy when you DO have a nice fish and it looks like half the size. In my opinion the focus is truley on the fish. I had a 29″ walleye and tried to coach my buddy into taking the pic in the correct way. When I looked after he took the pics it didn’t look any bigger than a 22″ walleye. I held it out a bit but not sliming the lens either. I guess what i’m saying is that I would rather have the fish look bigger than it is vrs a fraction of the actual size. That’s just one guys opinion.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    I have often thought the same thing. “WHY DO PEOPLE DO THAT” If you look some of the big names of this website, James Mr. Walleye, Tuck Mrs. Walleye , Steve D The sumo smallie master, Brian K Kong Kitty even Lip ripper you very rarely see outstreched arms and slime on the lens and they have very nice looking photos. I dont think anyone is knocking the “make the focus the fish” picture. But the “I wish my armes were 3inches longer so I make this 3#er look like shes 10#” are the ones I personally dont care for. Just my .02

    Posts: 1767

    I will be the first to admit that Fish Photos are an art combined with an acquired skill. It takes a lot of practice to get the desired results. Even then…..its still tough to get that perfect shot. I would be willing to guess that the majority of the the fish sticker outers are not doing it intentionally. My .02

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    I think guys need to catch bigger fish, then they won’t have to hold their arms out

    Really, I think the photo should be an example of the fish and the person with the best photo. It is not just the fish IMHO, but the combination of both that makes a picture. How many of you would want to see a picture of a fish laying on the ground? A picture like that looks like crap, and I don’t think anyone intentionally takes it.

    I will say one of my favorite picture is of me in Alaska, thigh deep in beautiful deep blue waters with my rod shoved in my waders, and a salmon in my hands. The size of the fish is irrelevant, but the whole photo is beautiful. Everytime I look at it reminds me of that trip

    How many of you look at the stuff Rivereyes does and say, I wish that bird was bigger? You don’t because the quality of the photo is what counts, the colors, the background, the foreground, etc. This is what we take photos for, memories of times spent on the water, not how big was this fish.

    So I guess I agree with you CatDad, in a way. I hear you have been kicking the heck out of the channels on p4 lately. Any truth to that?

    Coon Rapids MN
    Posts: 163

    Is there a reference here to someone saying the fish in their pic is bigger than you believe?If not then why would you let it bother you so much to put up a post about this? remember not all of us are professional picture takers

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    What I also hate is a straight face or no emotion face when someone is getting their picture taken. Fishing is fun…enjoy it.

    No, no. Like when you score a goal in hockey or a touchdown in football, act like you’ve been there before.

    I agree with you that a smile makes the picture 101% better. When I am alone it can be hard to do because I am running around starting the timer, quickly getting into position and then not knowing exactly when the picture will be taken. All while holding the fish and thinking the whole time, get the fish back in the water ASAP.

    I don’t think I have run across to many pictures on the site that have irritated my pet peeve. It’s usually pictures elsewhere I find. I’ve also seen some cool pictures where the fish is intentionally closer to the camera and it makes for a nice composition.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374


    Okay. Just found the time button. Guess its the one with the clock symbol on it.


    Tuck Mrs. Walleye

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22203

    I agree with the holding your arms straight out, I hate watching the Linders and Stange, cuz they do it so bad. I believe you should number one, focus on the fish, and also the person should be happy and proud of their catch. I really like this picture of me and a large mouth. My brother Doug took the picture and coached me how to hold it. As you can see, my right forearm is totally visible as I have it tucked in and I also am somewhat pleased and proud. Good post.

    big g

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    There have been a ton of good points here.

    There is much more to a fishing photo than just the fish… at the same time, there is nothing more depressing than catching a very large fish and have the picture come out to make th fish look like it was half of the actual size. If you want one of those pictures, just have someone snap the photo when your sitting in a boat seat and get your knees in the picture(knees extended out further than fish).

    I have found that the best pictures for showing fish size are often pictures of fish taken next to equipment(rod and reel), and not being held by the fishermen.

    Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    I like the picture to do the fish justice. I think the walleye is one of the harder fish to do that with…. You don’t need to hold your arm straight out….I think you can do it by giving the arm wrestling pose and limit the background, focus on the person and the fish…and just have a small portion of back ground. Get the top of the head at the edge of the screen and center from there….I think my buddy did a pretty good job with this picture he took of me. Does this look like a 31″ fish??? I wouldn’t say I’m holding the fish out at arms length…. 2nd picture is a picture I took that is terrible we were in a hurry to get our fish to weigh in and I snapped it to quick his arm is extended to far….this fish is 28.5 and it looks bigger than that to me….Taking pictures is and art some do it better than others. All you can really do is practice practice practice. I can’t say that I cringe any time people take the time to post pictures of there catch….I’d like to thank you for that….viewing pictures while on lunch hour puts me out in the boat for my 30 minute lunch. Thanks Again


    Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    2nd picture sorry about the suds in the back ground we were hoping to make the top 3……

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374


    wear bright colors (not white).

    Are you saying no more White Bikini Pics????

    Good Thread Catdadmn!

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    OK, I’ve got my arms in and I’m smiling but it certainly does make this 27 incher look awful small.

    I agree with you Chris on not shoving your arms out to exaggerate the size of the fish.

    I’m not a great photographer but here is what I try to keep in mind when I take a fish photo:

    1) Put the sun behind the camera but don’t make your subject squint too much.

    2) Make sure the angler pushes their cap back just a bit so you can see their happy face.

    3) Take your photos on the water with natural scenery in the background. I’ve done a few photos in a parking lot or at home before cleaning the fish, and it takes a lot away from the fish.

    4) I use a digital camera so I don’t worry about centering or cropping too much. I’ll fix that with iPhoto later.

    Good thread.


    Lake Minnetonka area
    Posts: 233

    I prefer the pictures where the fish is not being held out as well so that you can get a good idea of how big the fish is in relation to the persons body. Here is a 28 inch fish held closly to the body.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364



    wear bright colors (not white).

    Are you saying no more White Bikini Pics????

    Good Thread Catdadmn!

    AHHH let’s not go there you know darn well you need the white bikini pics…unless she has a new one this year???
    This is one of the best pics I have ever seen taken right here.

    Posts: 1137




    wear bright colors (not white).

    Are you saying no more White Bikini Pics????

    Good Thread Catdadmn!

    AHHH let’s not go there you know darn well you need the white bikini pics…unless she has a new one this year???
    This is one of the best pics I have ever seen taken right here.

    That has more tan than white

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    ok where is the fish that is supposed to be in this picture?


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