does your dog like to fish?

  • dan-tessmann
    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    i take my chocolate lab, dude , with me unless its too hot. it was a normal day, launched the boat and he jumped in. i told him to stay as usual and i hopped in the truck to park it. i drove off and looped around. out of the corner of my eye in my right mirror i saw a flash. then there was a violent shutter. i checked the mirror again and there was my dog laying in the parking lot.i ran him over with a ranger bass boat trailer. he must of thought i was leaving him and chased the truck. i slammed on the brakes and jumped out expecting the worst. he sat up and started to wag his tale as i was in tears. he only suffered a few cuts and some real good road rash. the vet said there was no serious damage. the best part is he has to wear the big ole e-collar. funniest thing ever. you gotta love them big ole labs.

    Posts: 1036

    Glad to hear your good buddy is OK – my two yellows absolutely love to fish. Chesney the older (tan & 3 yrs.) will watch boards diligently all day long and then when the clicker form a line counter goes off he’s in the back of the boat ready to pounce on that walleye. His other favorite trick is to pull walleyes out of the live well. Zander the younger (white & 2 yrs.) lives to be on the boat, hanging his head over the sides waiting for a fish then licking them and standing it the livewell herding the fish to one side so his brother can pull each one out.

    Have to love those labs!!!

    Posts: 179

    I am glad to hear Dude is ok. I can’t leave the house to fish without my airedale Aqua.

    Posts: 4062

    This was our last dog in action, Sadee. She is in the big fishing hole in the sky now

    Posts: 82

    Our yellow lab George loves it so much he actually tries to land fish!!! Luckily he has yet to get hooked. Its hard to correct the situation when I’m LMAO!!!! At the end of last year I started to bring an e-collar with use to control him a little, he actually wanted to chase musky top water baits!!!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    our old choc. lab loves to lie next to the heater in the fish house, his ears will perk up and he will stand over the hole when someones bobber goes under, he also loves to stand on the back deck of the boat when our son is bobber fishing and will watch the bobber, need to get a photo of that. My brother’s dog will be napping and someone can pull the drag from their reel and she will jump up and start looking over the side for the fish coming in. That is why it is so tough to leave a dog behind.

    Posts: 3835

    My border collie lab mix gives me the evil eye if I don’t bring her. I so much as say boat and she goes nuts. She likes to jump off the boat oh 10 or 12 times an outing.

    Posts: 156


    This was our last dog in action, Sadee. She is in the big fishing hole in the sky now

    Sorry you lost your watch dog. Great picture…has a lot of meaning.

    Posts: 1137

    Anytime the boat is in the water my springer spaniel is with.I love it when I throw a fish back she trys to catch it and does sometimes and then just drops it, but when the fish goes into the water she just sits there and stares at the spot it went into the water even if we keep drifting she just stares like where did it go??

    Posts: 4062

    Got a new fishing buddy

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Glad to hear Dude is alright. Man that was lucky.

    I used to never leave mine at home, but sometimes now he stays at home with his MOM (Stacie), if she is not with me.

    Labs Rule!

    Here is my Lab Rufus and I pulling some boards.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    We took our Beagle puppy out this weekend. She was so excited she peed on the floor…twice. Oh, and she threw up from rocking around in the waves.

    Good thing we are surrounded by water to clean it up!

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Mine gets cranked up when I pull the boat out of the garage.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    Mine gets cranked up when I pull the boat out of the garage.

    hey Don,

    that is an understatement, she goes crazy, but she is a great dog, justin still remembers running around on shore and playing.


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Our other dog likes to stand guard.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Nice photos, man there are some nice looking dogs.
    Hey Lip. How long have you had yours?
    B Curtis, that is a great pic. Is this the same dog?

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    No, my dog isn’t that skilled. He really lacks in his guarding ability. There is a lot of this going on when the fishing is slow.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    My dog could careless about the fishing part, but he loves being in the boat.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Don, he will be 8 this September! That picture of yours with the red collar could easily be mistaken for my Dog.

    Love those G-Shep pictures.

    Posts: 1957

    My dogs are usually in the boat. They get pretty excited when the clcker starts making noise, they know it’s “fish on”! All good until they decide to jump in after something, seagull, dead fish, and of course when one jumps the second has to follow. When I spot a bigger eye that’s floating/dead I send Ruger to retrieve it so I can see how big it is, and he does bring it back, good boy!!

    Here’s a pic of them in their usual places.


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