Water Levels POOL 10?

  • kapnjim
    Posts: 112

    I am taking the wife and 4 year old for a boat ride on July 26 from Lynxville to McGregor Iowa. We’re staying the night there and coming home the next day. What are your predictions on water levels? High? How about the fishing that time of year, do ya think my four year old will catch a fish or two if Dad rigs him up right? Any presentation tips?

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Thats a long way out !! But, If mother nature doesn’t rain on our parade the river level should be around 7.5 – 8 feet..that’s pretty normal for this time of year. Presentations can range from pulling 3-ways with live bait in the back sloughs or in front of wing dams , to long lining cranks in the back sloughs or pitching cranks over the top of wing dams….you could find any down fall trees in the back waters and dangle a crawler either bu a bobber or on the bottom and who knows what you might catch !!!

    Shoot me a pm when the time gets a bit closer and I’ll give you an update…

    Posts: 112

    Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate them because I do not want to bring my big tackle box so I am going to pack light and just bring a few things along. I read in the Crawford County paper that folks have been ripping off stuff from boats so my tackle box is staying at home this trip.

    This may be a dumb question, but I have never fished a wing dam before. When you guys say “in front” of the wing dam, do you mean on the up river or down river side? I would assume both sides would be good but what side is better? Thanks again!! – jim

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5854

    Typically the upstream side is the best side of a wingdam. In extremely high water, the backsides are better.

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