Bait Question?

  • jmiller
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296

    I have a buddy that just got a ticket on Winnie for trapping his own shinners. I looked through the rule book last night and couldn’t find out why this was illegal. Does anyone out there know why this would be illegal even though it is for his own personal use. Know i have to buy bait.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Did your buddy have all the required information on his traps on Winni? I dont know if there are any special regulations on Winni, or if it is infested waters. Does any reservation have anything to do with Winni?

    I guess there are a few different things that could have caused a problem. For all I know your buddy may have his own home-made traps that dont fall within legal boundaries of harvesting minnows, or he could have been harvesting more than legally allowed(288 minnows).

    Lots of possibilities, but I am going to guess your buddy was somehow in violation of the law. There are lots of things to keep up on for minnow trappers.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296

    Yeah it is on the res and it was tagged with the proper tags and no it wasn’t over sized and yes it was homemaid. I just didn’t know that there were that many different things involved in trapping your own bait. He did say that the CO was one of the nicest guy he has ever met and was apologetic the whole time but he had to write him a ticket because the Indian that turned him in was there waiting for the CO to come. The CO did say that he would have just turned the trap upside down but the guy that turned him in was there.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Another reason to go gamble

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Its illegal for a regular Joe to trap a few minnows on Winni cause its res land!!!!! Just another farce among many farces concerning res land/water.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Wow, that’s too bad. Just goes to show the power of the res. If this CO didn’t give your buddy a ticket and they found out about it I bet he would be in a world of hurt,,and publicity. I didn’t know there was a limit on minnows??

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