Mille Lacs on Fox 9

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    For those of you who may not venture into the Mille Lacs Forum much, their has been a lot of work done by a few IDA’ers to bring an issue to light with the public. Here is a link to what we are talking about. The MN DNR is buying a resort with our tax dollars. This sparked a battle over what is in the best interest of the lake, fishermen and women, and our tax dollars. I applaud our Steve Fellegy for following his instincts, and bird dogging this issue on all of our behalf. Without trying to sway anyone’s opinion on this issue, look at the thread in the Mille Lacs Forum, and watch the piece on Fox 9 tonight, and let’s see what your reactions are.

    This is not a slam piece of the DNR, but an eye opening look into one division and a group of people that have the largest say into where our money goes.

    It will be on at 9 PM this evening. Should be some good info there. Seeing is believing.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Well? It appears Jeff got the point across. Way to go Pass!
    Steve and Kelly, great job as well! Keep up the fight!
    Hopefully this gets a few more people talking.
    What are your thoughts?

    Posts: 1552

    Good report. Nice job Steve! What a blunder. I hope someone is held accountable when it fails miserablly.

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 473

    I think it is going to be a losing battle on this one! I only hope that it prevents any f-ups in the future. I hope they can get this one right. They just need to spend the money fixing the ramps they have!

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    I thought it was a really good piece!! I hope it makes a point with some folks that maybe had’nt been aware prior!

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    Good job by Steve and also a good report by Channel 9. They let the DNR guy have his say….but no matter what he claimed it was still something to see how small that little puddle of a harbour is and to see Jeff Passholt standing 100 yards off shore with the water lappng at his knees. A picture is worth a thousand words. A million dollars? It must be easy to spend other people’s money.


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    A picture of the Liberty Beach launch would have been good to show what has been (Not) done to date since it was purchased.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936


    Good job by Steve and also a good report by Channel 9. They let the DNR guy have his say….but no matter what he claimed it was still something to see how small that little puddle of a harbour is and to see Jeff Passholt standing 100 yards off shore with the water lappng at his knees. A picture is worth a thousand words. A million dollars? It must be easy to spend other people’s money.


    you nailed it!!!

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Jeff DID do a nice job. Of course, there were countless “sound bites” that went un-used that would really have put frosting on this cake.

    After the fact, now that they are trapped into owning this site ( or is it HALF owning it?), I think they will back off of this stupidity and maybe create a Mille Lacs DNR Fisheries Headquarters there or something of the like…or sell it. Either option is MUCH better than trying to make the present plan work out.

    The ch. 5 piece tomorrow night will also be interesting and maybe or maybe not, MORE impacting. Like this one…it all depends on the “edits”.

    Bottem line….just remember what the big Opti looked like as it clunked on rocks, trimmed up, on calm water, 300 ft. from shore. 2008 or whatever….it just ain’t gonna work!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    A bit off topic….or not? (little tongue in cheek here)

    Email form the MN DNR:


    News Releases
    Launching your boat may be a problem this fishing opener (2007-05-10)

    While the weather forecast for this weekend’s walleye opener should provide a pleasant opportunity to catch fish, launching your boat may be a challenge. The low water levels on many central and northern Minnesota lakes may mean anglers need to take a little more time getting their boats in the water at public accesses this weekend.

    Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) staff have been out checking and repairing water access sites and installing docks. “They are ready to go,” said DNR Northeast Trails and Waterways Supervisor Les Ollila. “Our staff has fixed buckled ramps and cleaned up the access sites, but we cannot change water levels. Many of the access sites have water levels one to two feet below average.”

    “For those anxious to get out a catch those walleyes, launching your boat could take some extra time and effort,” said Ollila. People may need to get in the water to help their boats along.”

    At many accesses, the concrete ramps are exposed, which means people may want to back in their boat trailers past the concrete. This area is often soft and uneven making driving out difficult.

    “We are working to fill these areas,” Ollila said. “But, conditions can change quickly. So, we are asking people to take their time and expect that launching will take longer this weekend.”

    Ollila offers the following tips for launching boats in low water conditions:

    · Check the ramp and the firmness of the gravel at the end of the concrete ramp

    · Watch for obstructions in the lake

    · Wear hip boots or waders, and help guide your boat into the water

    · Lower the motor after you are sure there is enough clearance

    · Expect delays at public access sites and be patient with boaters who are having difficulty launching

    For more information, contact: Les Ollila, DNR Northeast Region Trails and Waterways Supervisor, 218-999-7925

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Great news article.

    However, it seems quite obvious per the DNR rep on TV. The MN DNR is going to buy up a bunch of these little coves all around the lake. They want “lots of little ones instead of a couple of big ones”.

    Well, are they going to put 5 on the north shore, 5 on the east, 5 on the west, and 5 on the south? That would be 20 small ones for all the other public access’ around the lake. $20,000,000?????

    Is there public information as to the other lots they are purchasing? The way it sounds, this isn’t the only one. There must be some plan from a planning commission of their objective?

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    They want to buy Scenic Bay resort.

    They should have invested in the Garrison Creek Marina. But then again that would have made to much sense.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    We BEGGED them to buy Garrison Creek! Why didn’t they? “It’s too big–against our policy”.

    Gary….you use the word “plan”? What are you—a comedian?
    When they entered into the “option to buy” mode and I first met with them…they did NOT know the water was shallow nor did they know half the harbor was owned by a private party who was NOT gonna sell his half. “PLAN?” lol lol

    It’s really a shame the public can’t hear the WHOLE story. I am gonna try to go on a talk show of sorts in the media(radio or TV) and get ALL the facts out there asap.

    Even when the lake comes back up the 12-15 inches that makes depths “normal”, I would never recommend anyone put more than a row boat in there. ANY wave action and you will be sorry. Let alone p-oed at how much of a fiasco it will or could be at the ramp in that little harbor with mulitple boats attempting the same thing.

    I think the fishing license buyers in this state deserve an apology for their money being handled so recklessly.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 9

    Does anyone know if the money to purchase the resort comes out of the ‘general’ fund? If so….. more than just us fishing folks should be PO’d about this.


    Metro MN
    Posts: 69

    Is the story available on Fox 9’s website? I missed it and haven’t found it on their site yet.


    Lake Minnetonka area
    Posts: 233

    One of the girls at work commented to me this morning and asked if I saw this last night and said what a joke that was for the DNR to buy that land. I said yes not very bright when you look at all the other launches that need work.

    Posts: 1027

    Got a chance to see ch.9 & ch.5. Both were similar reports. Sure makes you aware of how easily they can waste taxpayers money, even though they had alot of negative input from people like Steve.

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