I should introduce my self…..

  • saguarokid
    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 84

    I’ve been hanging out here for awhile and never really introduced my self. Hope ya don’t think I was rude!!

    I got my handle while in the Air Force stationed in Tucson Az. I was mesmerized by the great Saguaro they are awesome!!

    I’m a diesel truck (Duramax) nut, have a dually. I also like shooting and camping!! We’ve camped eveyway ya can and have now ended up with a pickup camper.

    I retired last July so I’m kind of an old guy. I need something to do. I need a passion. So I thought Walleye fishing would fit the bill. I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m doing it!!

    It’s just great being out on the water. I like the feel of the freedom being out there. I’ve been to the Mississippi (the current really screws with me) and lake Rathbun. Would like to go to Canada and Mille Lac?

    There’s so much to know it really gets mind boggling. So many different ways to fish for Walleye. I have a lot of respect for you guys!!

    The great plus is my wife loves to fish!! We will get back to the dock and she will ask me if she can clean the fish!!
    How can Ya say no to something like that?

    I really appreciate this great site and all the advice and help everyone contributes!! Hopefully I can add to the site in some way. If not in fishing perhaps in the “General Discussion” forum.

    Hope you all have a great year…


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Welcome aboard!!!!!!
    There are a few of us who like shooting too!

    Posts: 1767

    Welcome aboard Mate!
    Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself. We look forward seeing more posts.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    First of all… just to let you know… we visited AZ more than 2 years ago. My daughter LOVES those saguaro cacti!!! So much so, we bought her a small packet of mixed cactus seeds. She planted them as soon as we got home. They have been growing for more than 2 years now. Last week, she separated them out… she has more than 50 cacti growing in their own little 1 inch round pots. Most are not larger than a pea. But she is so proud because she has been growing them for 2 years. This is one of her 4H projects this year. Cacti ROCK!!!

    Also.. WELCOME ABOARD!!! Nothing to walleye fishing. It is almost as complicated as you want to make it. Stick around, learn a few things, share your own experiences… and you are part of the family! Even stop by at a few GTG if you ever get the chance. The more the merrier!!! Look forward to hearing how your own trips make out~!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You found the right site Mark!

    It’s a great place to retire!

    Steve Vick
    New London, MN
    Posts: 428

    Welcome to IDA Mark. You found the best fishing site on the net! Post away. Steve

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 84

    Mark. welcome to IDA
    I am a diesel nut too. have a 06 Duramax Crew cab, Love to hunt and walleye fishing. plus go camping as much as I can.
    I see you are from waterloo area, maybe Ill see you camping sometime where do you like to camp? we were at George Wyth this last weekend.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 29

    Welcome Mark. I too spent many years away from home in the Army and am now trying to figure out the “ways” of these Wall-eye vets. We have a lot to learn, but I guarentee that we will have alot of fun and plenty of stories made in the process!!!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Welcome to IDA…
    Post often.. Good luck with the Walleyes.

    Posts: 2627

    Welcome Mark! Hook the boat up behind the pickup camper and come on up to the GTG in June at Evert’s. You will get a crash course on walleye fishing, meet alot of nice people and be right on some of the best walleye fishing in the midwest. I thought your name was just a mis-spelling of sauger and you were a young kid so now I know. Thanks for the introduction.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Great to have you here.

    Milan Il
    Posts: 407

    Welcome Mark ,It’s good to see some more Iowa folks coming aboard

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    Welcome aboard!!

    Posts: 156

    Looking forward to having your input.
    My Father and I fished AZ for walleye…caught a bunch because no one out there fished tham.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    You will find more quality information on Mille Lacs (AKA The Pond…) on this website than any other on the internet! Put out a post when you are coming Mille Lacs way and folks will put you on fish …RR

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Great to have you here, Mark!

    Are you a hockey fan? I see the city where you reside, and……well, being a TriCity Storm hockey fan, I’m hoping you cheer for us when we’re in Waterloo!!

    You learn a lot from this site. How much time do you have to read?!?

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