Will the crazy gas prices effect your fishing ?…

  • KirtH
    Posts: 4062

    Just looking at the gas prices, and pondering upon if it will effect how far you will travel to fish?

    Living on the south side of the cities I am looking at going to more of the Faribault area lakes and of course Lake Pepin.

    I would think that some of the resorts are going to start feeling the pinch of the high gas prices?

    Going up to Mille Lacs for the day and forking out big bucks for gas

    It would not be so bad I suppose if you had a cabin and could leave your boat there, but when you drag it around mileage goes in the

    Good incentive to learn new waters

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The prices have not and will not keep me off the water but they have kept me alot closer to home. But its still a blast being on the water no matter where you are fishing.
    Thanks, Bill

    Eldora, Iowa
    Posts: 367

    The high prices will definitely affect me. Normally just fish walleyes, but the closest lake with walleyes is about 70 miles, so I will probably spend more time on the Iowa River, its less than 1 mile away. If the prices get really ugly, I may even have to fish for bass this year.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Nope no gas issues here. (I have a 4 month old little girl.)

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    moved to mille lac lake 4 years ago. i still work in minneapolis, but with my work schedule, i only drive in 5 times a month. to be honest, i hurt my back just over 2 weeks ago and really haven’t been out of the house to see the prices. i haven’t had the boat out of the garage yet this year. it is driving me nuts. the 225 optimax does get good gas mileage as compared to the efi’s, or any of the motors of the same size. the prices are crazy, the rich are getting richer, we need at least 2 more refineries built to keep up with the demand. that is not a quick fix, it will take some time and a lot of money. it is a supply and demand problem, and the oil people are making a killing, so why should they do anything different??? all that really matters is, every morning when i leave work for home, i am heading to the lake!!!……………….tom fellegy

    Hawg Lbr
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 71

    not at this time of the year.. it helps to have a couple guys or a group to go.. i can see when you’re by yourself how it would hit you a little harder, that’s when I stay local! Nothing you can do about it either just take it and enjoy your time on the water!

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    Yes high gas prices are affecting my fishing. I budget a certain dollar amount for gas each month for my truck and boat and when it is gone my boat will sit. Unfortunately I don’t get a raise when gas prices go up. When I do go I will more than likely stay here on pool 12 at DBQ rather than travel to different pools and I will not be making long runs with the boat staying closer to the ramp that I put in at. Most of the time I am able to find fish within a mile or two of the boat ramp anyway. If my boat ends up sitting most of the summer I can still fish from the shore. There is only a flood wall separating my office from the river so I wouldn’t have any extra driving to wet a line. I also gave up tournament fishing this year because of the high gas prices. It was either give up the tournaments or give up going fishing. If my friends want to go fishing they are more than welcome to pitch in on gas. My daughters are looking forward to water skiing this summer as well which is also going to cut into my gas budget.

    What gets me is they say that the rise in prices is due to refinery problems and not supply problems. We have had 3 years of gas prices going through the roof during the summer months mostly due to low supplies and high demand. This year they say there is plenty supply and overall demand is slightly down from the past couple years but there are several refineries either closed down or operating at reduced capacities mainly due to maintenance issues. For the past few years we have heard there were not enough refineries operating in the US to meet the demand. Instead of the oil companies taking the huge record-breaking profits from the past several years and investing in new refineries the oil companies are shutting down or cutting production in some of their refineries. The government predicted back in February that the average cost for a gallon of unleaded gas in the US would not get above $2.87 a gallon this summer because supplies where high and demand was down and overall the winter was milder than expected. Boy were they wrong which leads me to believe that the government and the big oil countries might not be as “in bed with each other” as some people might think. I’m sure that we are also paying for the big oil companies having their oil fields and refineries taken over by that communist idiot Chavez down in Venezualia.


    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Start buying canoe stocks.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    I plan on staying a little closer to home and when I do travel, I will try to get a third person to go along. That and I will bum fishing trips with Bill .

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Gas prices are what.. .20 cents more expensive than what it was over the winter? So, if your SUV has a 30 gallon tank, it would cost you $6 extra dollars to fill it?

    I dont think the prices are going to slow many people down for fishing. Planned trips will still happen.

    All I suggest is car-pooling for fishing. have your partner(s) ride along when they can, and chip in a few bucks for vehical/boat gas.

    Even fishing close to home can hurt.. may only take 2 gallons in the truck, but the 6+ gallons in the boat(average outing) and 2 cycle really starts to add up when your a poor sucker like me

    I will be spending a TON of time on the metro lakes this year.. trolling motor only makes for some inexpensive outings!

    Oakdale, MN
    Posts: 139

    I think gas is a small enough percentage of my overall fishing expenditures every year that it won’t affect me much. I spend a heck of a lot more on gas driving to work each week, than I will on a typical weekend if I have a buddy or two along.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 23

    yes..it makes me read the fishing reports alot closer…have to make it count when I go…..

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Im going to be fishing two smaller rivers in n.e. iowa more this year, $15.00 round trip up and back for gas for the van. I bought a trolling motor from Gary Wellman last year, shortened the shaft to about 24″ and am going to use it on my canoe. Im trying to spend less and enjoy more, these rivers are almost unfish from a boat, especially one of them. Im looking forward to the canoe this year.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    My truck gets 14.1 MPG with the boat in tow and 15.1 w/o? Not enough to make me give it a second thought. I worry more about the honey do list my wife has than whether or not gas prices will have any effect on my fishing.


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