2 lines for open water

  • jbob
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 725

    What ever happened to the bill to let Minnesota anglers use 2 lines in open water?

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    who knows.. there is a thread in the minnesota general disussion forum.

    Posts: 245

    2 lines would be great. I think it would work out good in most cases. Most people are now well informed on the benefits of catch and release. I hardly will ever keep fish and dont like cleaning them.

    Hawg Lbr
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 71

    I agree… I am all for 2 lines in MN.. when you think about it, when you really get into fish, you have little chance to use both lines.. using two lines to find the fish and one once you find them makes sense and would make it more fun for all in your boat!.. I would think that the planer board companies would put together a hard lobby to get 2 lines in MN.. we just used 2 each on Big Stone.. couldn’t even imagine on my folks lake in WI where 3 lines are legal! now that is impossible!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I fish all winter and spring on the Pools of the River where we can use two lines. Your guiding and tournament fishing revolves around 2 lines each. When you get to an inland lake after opener…it really feels weird only using one line. You can only take one limit per person anyway. Regardless how many lines you have out.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    I fish all winter and spring on the Pools of the River where we can use two lines. Your guiding and tournament fishing revolves around 2 lines each. When you get to an inland lake after opener…it really feels weird only using one line. You can only take one limit per person anyway. Regardless how many lines you have out.

    You got it Tuck. It seems odd not having two or even three lines out…especially if you are fishing solo.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I need to bring someone with me to fish two lines. That also means 2 limits out of the lake if we choose to keep fish.
    One guy with two rods is only 1 limit. Which is better?

    I know I am over simplifying it…But I do think the law should be changed. Heck, we are already losing younger anglers by the droves as seen on TV tonight. How about doubling their chances when they can go? You just might save a few!

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    It drives me crazy after fishing down there in Red Wing with two lines and now I am stuck with one line thinking in order to try a different bait/presentation I have to use another rod but first have to reel this one up and what if when I change baits/presentatioins it was the other one that really would have worked…
    Pass the two line law cause as stated you can still only take one limit of fish…

    Posts: 721

    Im all for the 2 line rule.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I’m a Wisconsin resident so I’m spoiled at home but I tend to fish MN enough that I wish you guys could get 2 lines! I see no evidence that really supports the current ruling. If they’re concerned about the fish being limited easier and more often, change the limits but criminy…….. let the anglers use 2 lines!

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