We got back from our vacation to Ireland last week and we had a fabulous time. It is such an interesting and fun country and almost everyone we met was very friendly. If you are looking to do an overseas vacation, then I’d highly recommend Ireland. It’s a safe place and the people speak English. Their version of English certainly makes you listen a bit harder. For example, someone was telling me about the parking lot in Kinsale and I thought they were telling me where to find the chiropractor. I didn’t need a chiropractor so I was very confused. Turns out, they don’t say “parking lot” like we do–they call it a “car park.”
Driving had me worried before we got there, but after a day in the car it wasn’t so bad. Driving on the left side of the road (on the right side of the car no less!) didn’t take too long to get used to, but the narrow and winding roads are something! Our first day there we were driving from Innishannon to Kinsale on a narrow road among the hills and trees when around a corner came a big truck. There was no way both of us were going to make the corner at the same time, so I had to back up (with many cars behind me) to avoid getting smucked.
I had hoped to go fishing for a day on the sea with a couple friends, but the day we were scheduled to go out of Court Macsherry, it was rainy and very windy. I don’t mind a litte bad weather for fishing, but none of us had the appropriate rain gear. Plus the boat was going out for 8 hours and was going too far from the harbor to bring us back in for half a day. But we were given some good advice about bad weather from an Irishman named Mick I had met. He said, “On a day like today, the best thing you can do is climb a high stool and wait it out.” We did just that and sampled some great Irish beer. 
Below are some pictures of the trip.