Got ta be mad at ’em

  • adexecutiv
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 13

    I was scared to death for these kids. Saturday, on Pool 8,
    around 9:00 am, on the East Channel, by Minnesota Island and across the river from lower I 90 landing I had two guys
    pass me northbound. At near full speed, they headed north-west through the closing dams and wingdams. They must have
    known where to go at that speed. They headed right at two
    young guys in a 14 foot flat, anchored on the corner of the dam. Just before they hit the kids, they turned and swung around the back of the kids boat and up the other side of the flat and continued on into the second opening.
    One of the kids stumbled, the boat rolled, and there was a lot of wake. That boat, from where I could see had to be
    near 10 feet from the kids. I talked to the boys and they
    had a few names for those two so-called sportsmen. That
    same boat came back and did the same thing again to the
    same kids as it headed south. I tried to catch them to get
    the numbers but I couldn’t. The boys couldn’t get the numbers because the boat came by so fast.
    Now if you two guys are so mad at the fish that you don’t care about the safety of others or you think you have the only right-of-way on the river and that everybody else better look out, I hope some “cop” gets your number REAL

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Or a misscalculated wing dam.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Yep, that makes a guy

    Like you said, coming up through there at any speed without hitting rocks is amazing. Heading out of the east channel North there is also a good rock pile in the middle of nowhere
    I guess all a guy can hope is they just got lucky and they try it again without anyone around to get hurt, they will be at no wake in a hurry

    Posts: 156

    A 357 just below water line should slow them down.

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