Tuffy Info Please

  • zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    I don’t know a lot about the boat but the little that I have heard has been good. Hopefully next year means a new boat for me and I already know that I like the Yar-Craft’s but I am really interested in learning more about the Tuffy 1890. Any help I can get is greatly appreciated

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Im pretty sure that’s the rig “moreeyes” is running, beware the walleyes seem to be scared of it Looked like a really nice ride when I had a chance to check it out.

    Posts: 4062

    Nick, you need to stop over and get your skunk

    I own a boat like you are looking at, 07 1890.

    I have had it since early last fall, I am extremely happy with it, it rides super smooth and is super dry. It handles great from the bow when jigging.

    Anything in particular you want to know?

    It is a fast boat, I am running a 200 OPTI.

    It is laid out nice when it comes to rigging hardware on it.


    Posts: 730

    Zach, I have a Tuffy 2060 Osprey w/a 250 Merc Verado that
    you should ride in. A 2005 with low hours. I would sell it
    next spring. If your interested give me a pm or call. You will like it better than a Yar boat.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Zach,I have ran the Renegade for 3 years now with a 150. Super smooth ride and very dry. Exceptional hull design. Not a speed demon but cuts big chop down to size with no problem.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    I got a Tuffy 1700 this year and am picking it up middle of next week.. Will let you know what I think of that one at that time.. Heard nothing but good news about it though..

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    18′ is all the bigger that I want to go wkw, but THANKS The dealer that I am going to fish through next year is going to bring the Tuffy line into his shop. There are no other Tuffy dealers around here so I can’t go look at one but from what I have read and can see on the ‘net, they look just right. If I may ask, where is an 1890 going to run as far as price, Ballpark? Also, how is the customer service and warranty on the boat? Thanks for all the ifo guys, it is much appreciated

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    Any more help out there

    Posts: 3835

    I saw a nicely loaded one at the expo fishing show. They wanted 34k if my memory serves nicely loaded with a merc kicker on there. I have a friend that drives an ESOX mag and loves it for ski fishing. A tuffy is probably going to be my next rig.

    Posts: 4062

    West End Sports in Red Wing has a 1890 WT on their lot.

    What excactly are you looking for? What kind of info?

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    I would be more than willing to answer any questions Zach. Just let me know what info you need. As far as warranty & customer service goes, I am on my third Tuffy, and so far have not had any issues with the boats I’ve had to deal with. Had the last one for 8 seasons and it still looked great when I sold it. The folks at Tuffy are good people and I am confident if I have an issue, they will help me take care of it. Warranty is five years. I know some people don’t think that is very long, but a warranty is only as good as the word of the company backing it. Long term warranties don’t mean a thing if their not backed up. Last two new vehicles I bought only had three year warranties. Still bought them and are very happy with them. If you have any other questions, feel free to pm me.

    Posts: 22

    I own the same boat you are looking at and can help with any and all info you are looking for. Just give me a call when you have a question and I can help. 612-232-7188 thats my cell number and you can call when you have questions.

    Posts: 4062

    I will say this,

    after doing alot research talking to different owners, no one had anything bad to say about them.

    It is a no frills boat, Bass and Walleye mag had a article on Yar Craft, it mentioned the same thing about Yar Craft, no fake wood trim etc…..

    The guys at the factory are always there to talk to if you need them.

    The hull finish is smooth and clean.

    If you want a fast boat this boat will scratch that itch, I have seen 61 on gps.

    Gets on plane immediatly

    Comes with a nice Trailmaster trailer

    Now if you want to cruise for the ladies you may want to get a more frilly boat like Dean’s from Everrets and Nick’s Ranger’s

    Give me a shout if have any questions, 612 366 7076

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    THANKS A BUNCH GUYS And I am sure that I will have a bunch more questions when I am ready to do something this fall And maybe Iwill be able to find a nice used one too

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