I have a 2006 navionics chip for my lowrance X-19, it works great on Mille Lacs, Vermillon, and Winni, but it is off on other lakes. Anybody have this problem ?
I just pick up a 2007 that I’m not real impressed with. Missing quite a few boat ramps and wingdams. Haven’t used it on the water yet. One Iowa lake I go to has 2 ramps and Navionics shows it not having any. Just played with it for the first time last night, hope it gets better.
The Navionics Survey lakes, highlighted in RED at this link > Navionics are pretty much dead nuts on. The other lakes are “Hotmaps” survey and in a lot of cases are old surveys and are off.
Each year Navionics adds more of thier own surveys.
You’ll find that lakes that have been surveyed by Navionics will be excellent. Lakes that are mapped from outside data won’t be as good. Depending on the data source, some will be off quite a bit. I had the new 2007 Premium North chip on West Okoboji recently and it was outstanding. When you look at the lake list, the lakes listed in red will be of the highest quality.
The “chips” are WAY missunderstood & overated by the general consumer. Unless you fish a “suveyed” lake exclusively – like Mille Lacs , wich is , the other maps on there are for reference use only. Your better off with a “paper” map of the other lakes for 7.95.
Thanks Jon and Wade, I bought it mainly for Kabatogama this summer and it’s in red. Was hoping for some help with pool 11 and north for wingdams and backwaters.