Terrible College Shooting!

  • lenny_jamison
    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Wow!!! That is terrible. My heart goes out to the families of those affected.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Don’t know what to say but what a waste. Be interesting to see what was wrong with this guy…

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Prayers out to everyone affected by this deal a bad deal for sure!

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    These individuals should just learn to french kiss their 45’s while pulling the trigger and leave everyone else alone. They wanna die, fine. But leave those that didn’t deserve to die alone. Gutless coward, hope he rots in pieces.

    My prayers to the families and friends of all involved. I couldn’t imagine the pain they are going through. A person has to pray for law enforcement as well. There isn’t a class that can be taken to prepare you to deal with tradgey such as this.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    My God, what goes through these peoples’ heads?????

    Posts: 14

    none of this crap goes on at my school =/. sad to hear about this.

    scott s m
    south central MN
    Posts: 61

    Now were gonna hear the anti-hand gun debate again, when in fact this is the most deadly shooting in history.. with the strictest of gun laws in effect! Maybe if concealed weapons were allowed in places like this, these people could be stopped by responsible gun toting citizens, with fewer innocent casualties.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    I have to agree. Someone bent on killing knows very well that schools are a free range because no one else there is armed. Sooner or later someone that is CCW will be in the right place at the right time and hopefully limit the carnage. Sad thing is until that happens the countless millions of us that own guns LEGALLY will have to fight tooth and nail to keep them. We all know who will have the weapons if they ever succeed at disarming the people. If guns are illegal only criminals will have guns. Problem is criminals have guns even now, imagine what will happen if they are the only ones with them.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608


    Now were gonna hear the anti-hand gun debate again, when in fact this is the most deadly shooting in history.. with the strictest of gun laws in effect! Maybe if concealed weapons were allowed in places like this, these people could be stopped by responsible gun toting citizens, with fewer innocent casualties.

    This has to be a terrible thing for the families of those student and I feel very sorry for them and the people who had to witness it.

    That being said, Big Sleepy is oh so right about the anti-gun debate starting up in a really big way. Maybe this can be a good argument for concealed carry.

    At least this time it wasn’t a white male that can be saddled with this. It shows there’s crazys in every race.

    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 84

    I heard he was a Chinese national here on a school visa?

    Posts: 525

    The only good thing the POS in Virginia did ever did with his life was to take himself out and save the families of his victims more suffering.

    I don’t want to turn this in to a political discussion, either, but it has to be done. The anti-Second Amendment people are already using the Virginia Tech massacre to call for total bans on the private ownership of guns. Check out any number of general discussion or political forums out there in cyber-space if you think I am exaggerating this threat. After a short interval, the leaders of the anti-freedom crowd will follow suit–of that I have no doubt.

    The aftermath of the Virginia Tech killings will be a major test for the new majority in the US House of Representatives and Senate. Many of the new members of Congress elected last November claim to be defenders of the individual right to keep and bear arms. Whether they can or will stand up to their party’s fanatically anti-gun leadership will soon be seen. I am not optimistic.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    The best thing we can do is our homework and to vow to be active in preserving our constitutional right. I scanned the net too and saw all the anti-gun debates popping up. It’s disheartening to see how many people want to control all of us, due in fact, to the senseless actions of the very few.

    I wish WI was a CCW state. I’d do it. Mostly out of concern for animal encounters (more commonly present than criminal situations) but with these “very few”, I’m beginning to feel my aging and realizing that my physical endurance isn’t what it used to be. I want to feel protected! I would also have no qualms in the risking of my own life, using it to prevent the defenseless from any life threatening situtation.

    The whole thing is just sad and I believe The Post hit it on the head when they printed “….it is America’s tragedy.”

    This morning has identified the shooter as an Asian student, still no name. In a country were racism is not socially accepted and ethnicity is supposed to be free of social judgment, I feel that these kind of attacks only stir the wrong emotions toward a specific group. If it’s a minority, the majority looks down them. If it’s one of the majority, the minority looks down them. No good. We have so many issues as a country……as a world….

    My prayers to all effected by this act of pure cowardess.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    News conference just identified the shooter.

    Police identified the shooter as Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a senior from South Korea who was in the English department at Virginia Tech and lived on campus.

    Looks like he just recently purchased the .22 and 9mm handguns.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    “The Chicago Tribune reported on its Web site that he left a note in his dorm room that included a rambling list of grievances. Citing unidentified sources, the Tribune said he had recently shown troubling signs, including setting a fire in a dorm room and stalking some women.

    ABC, citing law enforcement sources, reported that the note, several pages long, explains Cho’s actions and says, “You caused me to do this.”

    Investigators believe Cho at some point had been taking medication for depression, the Tribune reported. “

    A very sad situation. Seems like he fell through the cracks of the medical help he needed.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    You cant prepare and protect against all random violence and live in a free country. The two are mutually exlusive to a point. That’s the way it is. Incidents like this are nothing new. Hopefully they are few and far between.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    I’m flipping between CBS and ABC watching coverage of the VT shootings. Something became very clear very early. CBS has a very specific agenda regarding guns. Their focus is that guns are too easy to get and are nothing more than “instruments of death”. Katie Couric, hag that she is, was interviewing President Bush and had asked about a father that passed out behind The President because they lost thier only child. In what seemed a very rare, humane, moment for Bush we were able to see that our president is indeed just a person like the rest of us. Then “the question” was asked. Hag Couric asked President Bush if he thought guns were too easy to obtain. In an instant Bush went from a caring, gentle, man, rigid steel. His body language spoke volumes to me. His reply was much kinder than mine would have been. I’d have never made TV to be clear. He simply stated that the gun debate will surely follow but that at this moment he has not had time to reflect on what happened. To me his body told the real answer. I suspect Bush is smart enough to understand a gun obtained LEGALLY was not the criminal. I really feel our president is a supporter of legal gun ownership and will protect our rights to own them as long as he can. CBS on the other hand can go suck the big one. It is clear they intend to blame you, me, and the MILLIONS of others that LEGALLY own various types of weapons. Lest we not forget, the gun was first purchased LEGALLY, then taken to a GUN FREE ZONE! That right there should scream loud and clear that laws are only going to be followed by law abiding citizens, criminals simply don’t care.

    On the next channel ABC is at least being more unbiased. They are interviewing a VT gun club that has been pushing to legalize CCW on campus and the groups was given airtime to voice why they feel the violence could have been shorter lived had a person CCW been in one of the areas attacked. Without knowing it, maybe, ABC also showed how hi capacity magazines are not all they are cracked up to be. They had an expert (I suspect) show just how fast you can empty the standard Glock magagine, drop it, install a fresh one, and continue shooting. I didn’t see the beginning to grasp what the intention of that was but I saw just why the ban on hi cap magazines is a waste of legislation as well.

    This gun debate will be in high range in the next few weeks. Now is certainly the time to be sure our NRA membership dues are paid, our congressman and legislatures are written, and our voices are heard. There is but one thing to blame the recent shootings on and that is a POS Korean man. Certainly I do not believe his ethnic backround has anything to do with the crimes he committed anymore than the weapons he chose to commit the crime with. I’ve gotta get going on my letters….

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