I think Imus is still a bit distubed by the firing of Jimmy The Greek! Thing is, these things go on all the time, I wish Rosie would be held accountable for running her lips, I just think that if some foreign news crew runs a few of her tirades..they will think all white Americans are crazy.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » CBS Fired Imus…
CBS Fired Imus…
April 13, 2007 at 10:33 pm #560563
He was accused of a racial statement but on this same program another black leader said he thought the word (ho) was a sexist statment and not a racist issue at all in his point of view. Ive heard him, Imus, talk a few times but never visited back to hear more. If in fact it was just a sexist statement, like it sounded too me, then why all the hoopla from Sharpton, Jackson and most of the other black leaders. It wasen’t racist at all, it was a sexist statement, unless thier trying to turn that upside down too.
April 13, 2007 at 11:01 pm #560574You Might be right, i can see it both ways but i’ve heard alot worse. Too me its a pretty simple mistake, not said right but thats imus and alot of people don’t like him for that. I wonder if a black radio annoucer called the N.Y. yankees a bunch of white boys that don’t know how to hold a watermellon would do, would the yankees demand his job. I was taught that kind of talk you just let it slide off your back and don’t let it bother you, guess not today. I hope this dosen’t put a stop on this thread. I can see a real tachyness in his statement but not enough to loose his job, those players were supposed to say something like consider the source or hes a dumbshi-. A two week suspension would have been good enough along with an apology to the team or maybe invite them to his show too talk about it on the air.
April 13, 2007 at 11:28 pm #560581Ive got to put this in hear so some people don’t think im pregedist. I’ve got a friend, Jerry who a friend of mine and is an afro american. A good friend of mine Ed, who use to fight in the golden gloves and also knew Jerry, Well both of us were in the tavern the other night haveing a few and in walks Jerry. I look at him as soon as he came in the door and said what you doin in here whiteboy and he held his hand over his chest like Fred Sanford and held his hand up in the air like fred did and said in a real loud voice PLLLEEAS im not a whiteboy and just laughed. Maybe what imus said was in the shade of grey but i don’t think it was bad enough for him too loose his job. I think the whole team ought to have just blown him off and told him to go get an eye operation to straighten his eyes out so he could see better.
April 14, 2007 at 12:48 am #560603Quote:
Regarding Imus and the other controversial journalists out there, fire them all. There is a way to broadcast stories and opinions without all the trash “entertainment”. I guarantee that little to no benefit comes from tuning into negative broadcasting. Life’s bigger picture and our daily efforts to succeed in this world are not enhanced, aided, benefitted, or created by these broadcasting styles. In most cases, it can’t even qualify as “educational”. Fire them all because it’s not free speech being hindered but rather it’s journalism being exploited.
Free speech is a protest at the capital, a letter to your congressman, a letter to the editor…… Journalism is a profession and needs the absence of trendy linguistics.
There……… all done with the daily spout.
I am going to disagree with you on the above point in that when you don’t care about Imus and the other controversial journalist (radio talk-show types) and don’t care if they get taken off the air by the “PC talk police” you leave the door open for the legitimate talk show people, whether they be liberal or conservative, to also be taken off the air if said “talk police” disagree with any statement they make. Once you give up something, the next thing they go after is so much easier to take.
April 14, 2007 at 3:36 am #560643RKD-JIM hit the nail on the head. Imus got thrown under the bus. The real targets are Rush, Hannity, Beck, Savage,
Ingram, FOX News, and anybody else who pushes an opinion not considered “main stream” by the powers that be.The reason anybody ought to care is that there are serious attempts being made to limit free speech. You don’t like what your hearing? Vote with your station dial.
And God help us if Sharpton and Jackson become the standard bearers for what is and is not acceptable in this country. Why people don’t demand those two hucksters permanently go away I’ll never understand…… And by the way, I represent all Norwegians in the world. So no more lutefisk jokes…………
April 14, 2007 at 6:51 am #560662Damn! im sure glad I don’t fish like these people think or i’d starve to death. I don’t think you have much to worry about with Sharpton and Jackson pulling any influance in the intelligent minds in Mid America. Theres lots of scenerarios that could be used here but the bottom line is they have no idea what a nightcrawler looks like, i wonder if they even own a mirror.
April 14, 2007 at 2:51 pm #560717Quote:
I don’t think you have much to worry about with Sharpton and Jackson pulling any influance in the intelligent minds in Mid America.
Those two have more influence than you think they do. What would your choice be if you were the CEO of a large company in “Mid-America” and for some reason Al and Jesse disagreed with something you, or someone in your company said or did and came to your headquarter with a few hundred of their “constituants” and picketted you. Now you have to answer to your stock holder or money people and they would probably be disturbed that this fiasco is going to negatively effect their bottom line. This puts you in a bad position and you would probably end up giving concessions to “Reverand Al and Reverand Jesse”. That’s how they operate.
Do a little research on this subject and you might be surprised how much “pull” these two have. From what I’ve read and heard they do not have that big a following, but the followers they have are very vocal.
April 14, 2007 at 3:03 pm #560722Yep! Its extortion plain and simple. The “revs” tell the CEO’s “You got a nice company here. Hate to see anything bad happen to it….”
Posts: 14April 14, 2007 at 3:51 pm #560729i just did a current event about this in history class. i think the 2 week suspension would be enough! even after he appologized al sharpton still wouldn’t give it up. i think that if al sharpton listned to one line of a 50 cent album he would have more important things to worry about than one mistake Imus made.
April 14, 2007 at 4:19 pm #560744He knows what 50 cent says in his album. He doesnt care what other black people say about themselves. The only goal of Sharton and Jackson are to degrade and point all blame on whites. Its grossly racist. There is no racial equality in our country. You would think after all the negative statements Jackson made toward the Duke Lacrosse players he would offer an appology. Especially after they were proved innocent. His appology was, “well they were not completly innocent, after all they did pay a girl to dance for them.” What a joke.
Some other double standards i’ve noticed. Black comedians(Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock ect…) can make jokes about whites all they want and people just think its funny. Reverse the roles and see what would happen if a white comedian made fun of blacks…. Ever really pay attention to tv commercials and movies? Blacks are usually portrayed as more handsome, athletic, smarter and more sauve. If they need a bafoon to fill a role its always a dorky white slob. Im all for racial equality. That being said, im upset seeing white people treated like second class citizens in a country we built. We are currenlty being walked all over. Its ok to be a proud black man in this country, but be a proud white man and your labeled a “racist”.
This issue goes way beyond Imus.
April 14, 2007 at 7:56 pm #560765Now you guys are getting to the real beef behind all of this. Pretty much why I started this post with “Double Standard” front and center. Ultimately this isn’t about Imus said, but more how can Jackson and Sharpton exploit the situation to further their pathetic cause… Self-Glorification!!!!
April 14, 2007 at 11:42 pm #560783I am not a fan of guys like Imus and Howard Stern, to be honest they both make me sick but CBS knew what they had with Imus long before this one incident. They knew he pushed the limits every day but they did not care because he was a huge cash cow, now that the well has gone dry they toss him out with the trash. CBS should have been asked to apologize to those girls as well and held just as accountable as Imus was after all they were the ones that hired him.
April 15, 2007 at 11:58 pm #560959Perhaps the post title should be changed to “I can’ stand Sharpton’s and Jackson’s methods”. Let’s not be distracted that “CBS Fired Imus……” because he made unacceptable racist and even sexist remarks. If Sharpton and Jackson forced CBS’ hand, then they did their job.
Do we like the way they do it or go about it? No way! Turns all of our stomachs. But based on what Imus said, he deserved what he got!Eric
April 16, 2007 at 12:59 am #560986Ive written before about how the pendulum swings… I think in eastern philosophy they call it Karma… but however you look at it.. it happens just the same.. it seems WE are paying extra for wrongs our ancestors have perpetrated.. and yeah.. I guess if WE do ANYTHING wrong someone is likely to come down hard on us… I cant say its fair thats for sure.. but it would be nice if THIS time the pendulum just STOPS.. right in the middle… so that everyone is treated the same… thats the way its SUPPOSED to be according to the constitution…. in this day and age I cant see why it cant just BE that way…..
with all Ive been through the last couple of years Im sure trying REAL hard to not judge ANYONE… its darn hard to do… but it seems like everytime I judge someone it turns out Im wrong…. well. if not totally wrong.. Im at least a ways off…. so Im really trying hard to be non judgemental…in other news.. well.. Rv Sharpton is after new game now.. did you see where some German soldier recorded a training event where he was asked to pretend that he was in the bronx and a van full of hostile african americans pulled up and started saying bad things about his mom (ok.. the actual language of what he was asked to pretend was VERY much harsher, but thats the general gist of what was said)? needless to say he went machine gun crazy and started to curse at the pretend people in English while he shot (all captured on video and posted to the internet of course!)…. Rv Sharpton is asking for an apology from the German army.. and for them to send representatives over here so he can tour the bronx with them and show them its a nice place now…..
so really its not just US…. (or should I say U.S.?)
and really.. it IS a bit much to train soldiers like that Id say.. (but who am I to judge?)April 16, 2007 at 10:08 pm #561388That is an excellent article. I actually think Jason Whitlocks’ opinion, after alot of commentary this past week, is the opinion of a large portion of the black community.
April 17, 2007 at 2:39 pm #561655Oh……. you’re absolutely right! I’m not combatting the right to free speech and freedom of the press. If you look at the whole of my comments regarding “fire them all”, I’m referring to the broadcasting style.
Put Howard Stern vs. Katie Couric (just two names for the purpose of an example) on the same story and see the difference in how it’s reported. Both have the right to say what they want, but why can you almost bet that Howard would put some kind of controversial twist on it and not for the purpose of telling the truth. His rise to fame has come from those who see his style as entertaining. This, in my opinion, exploits journalism. No matter how much we educate ourselves, we are never all going to feel the same way about everything. It’s a numerical impossibility.
The provision of free press, does give anyone the right to publish useless garb. But I have to speak against it because that’s what it is…….. garbage. Trendy linguistics and slang and/or cursing is not necessary or required to tell the truth or express an opinion.
As long as moral, social responsibility can be ignored and yet still protected under the guise of free speech, the exploitation will continue.
All I’m saying is that this style is not necessary for the voicing of an opinion…….. just look at all these posts! We didn’t have to resort to name calling, racial slurs, genderism, or even profanity to discuss an issue. If we’re “that good”, why would we support anyone who can’t conduct themselves as respectfully as we have here?
I know, and agree, to “fire them all” would raise the same terror we’re discussing now because policing means we have to draw lines. As Americans, we’ve been lobbied for decades to accept complacency. Now that it’s roots are well established, we’re likely to never get away from it. We have to accept everyone for everything they want to be because it’s who they are. But, the numerical impossibility will lead us to more provings that individualism cannot contribute to national security or the cementing of social belonging.
Free speech and free press, by it’s design, was intended for those responsible enough to protect it’s purpose, not exploit it’s provision.
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