CBS Fired Imus…

  • dan-larson
    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482


    Can you say double standard!!! I’m sorry but CBS don’t you host the Grammys? Your execs ought to put an ear to some of the (c)rap lyrics that are recieving the awards.

    Posts: 5130

    It is okay for a brutha to call another brutha slang/racial names, but not a white to a minority Definitely a double standard

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    When you say “double standard”, you’ve said it all!!!! Imus, though I can’t stand the guy, got railroaded by two of the biggest race-baiter this world has ever seen. If you listen to what “Rev. Al” and “Rev. Jesse” have had to say over the years, that is the “pot calling the kettle black”. Can I say that??

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    Sorry but who really cares?

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 280

    I totally agree. I’m not even an Imus fan, but that is quite the double standard. I’m sure he’ll land on his feet with another network or satellite radio.

    Posts: 525

    I don’t look for this thread to last long, but here goes…

    I don’t care for Don Imus, and what he said re. the Rutgers womens’ hoops team was dumb. He deserved criticism for his statements, but he should not have been run off the air to appease the Gods of Political Correctness in the guise of the Reverend Hustlers Jackson and Sharpton.

    As someone else already said, the two biggest race-pimps out there engineered Imus’ firing to advance their own careers. Sharpton and Jackson have been doing this for thirty years–they scream racism, demand generous “donations” from the targeted companies, and move on to the next mark.

    What Imus said was dumb, but no one died as a result of it. Some years ago, the “Reverend” Sharpton exhorted a crowd in Harlem to “burn out the interlopers” during a harangue against the Jewish-owned Freddie’s Fashion Mart. In the ensuing riot the clothing store was burned down, and two people died. Sharpton, a true scumbag, has never apologized for it.

    Sharpton also never apologized for promoting the false rape charges promulgated by Tawana Brawley–charges that ruined the lives of the men wrongly accused.

    More recently, Sharpton railed against the Duke Lacrosse team when they were accused of rape. All remaining charges in that case were dropped yesterday under clear evidence that the accuser is a liar. Sharpton at one point promised to pay for her college even if the charges were proved false–I am not holding my breath to see if the scumbag Reverend follows through on his promise. And as Imus himself pointed out yesterday, Sharpton owes an apology to the innocent Duke students whose lives he ruined in his urge to foment racial hatred for fun and profit.

    I can’t believe I am writing this next sentence…but I agree with what ROSIE O’DONNELL said on the Imus issue. Rosie warned against the dangers of proscribing speech on the grounds that it is “offensive” or politically incorrect. I agree with her on this, and not much else, even though I suspect Rosie is covering her own large posterior regarding some political statements she has made of late.

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    Didn’t listen to Imus much, but I did enjoy his program when I did watch it on MSNBC. I would have liked to see the outcome had Sharpton and Jackson not stepped in demanding his firing. I still think Imus will be ok, because I see him having a successful run on XM or Sirius.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    The only reason CBS fired IMUS was b/c sponsors started pulling out – HENCE – LOSING MONEY.

    That’s the bottom line.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 136

    Just like the double standard we are seeing with Gophers rape allegations… Compare that to the Duke lacrosse debacle.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608


    The only reason CBS fired IMUS was b/c sponsors started pulling out – HENCE – LOSING MONEY.

    That’s the bottom line.

    The only reason the sponsers pulled out is because they didn’t want the Rev. Al and Rev. Jesse picketing their headquarter and demanding “payola” so this issue will go away.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    The reason this guy got fired is because he’s an idiot. Sharpton and Jackson are irrelevant. He called a group of college age athletes, near the top of their game, whores! I don’t care how you spell it!

    Did Al and Jesse play a role, who cares? If you’re going to make racist remarks in this society you get Al and Jesse! That’s part of the deal. As is evident by comments like the one Imus made, there’s a need in our society for guys like Al and Jesse to make sure they get noticed! I’m glad this message is being sent.



    Posts: 387

    I liked watching imus in the morning on msnbc. His show is news orientated but is also ment to be humorous. There is no reason this should have gotten blown so out of proportion. It should have been taken for what it is, not made in to such a big deal by people looking to boost their standing in the spotlight. He apologized sincerely and did admit that their joking went too far. I hope he’s back on the air again sometime

    Just my opinion, i hope i dont get taken off the air for saying it.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Imus was wrong for what he said, no doubt about it. Should he have been fired for it? I don’t know, I’ve heard alot worse.

    Sharpton & Jackson? They should be irrelevent, I can find no use for either one of them. In my mind they are far more racist then those they go after. When you go out and thump your chest you are calling attention to yourself. It’s what these two do. I’m not sure they care at all about the Rutgers girls, it’s all about getting Imus and getting their mugs on TV.

    Thank you to the mod’s on this site for letting this go this far. It maybe borders on being a no no but it is topical and people do have opinions on it.

    Posts: 525


    The reason this guy got fired is because he’s an idiot. Sharpton and Jackson are irrelevant. He called a group of college age athletes, near the top of their game, whores! I don’t care how you spell it!

    Did Al and Jesse play a role, who cares? If you’re going to make racist remarks in this society you get Al and Jesse! That’s part of the deal. As is evident by comments like the one Imus made, there’s a need in our society for guys like Al and Jesse to make sure they get noticed! I’m glad this message is being sent.



    I don’t know that there “was a need” for Sharpton to refer to the Jewish owners of Freddie’s Fashion Mart as “bloodsuckers”. I don’t know that it was “part of the deal” when Jesse Jackson referred to the “hymies in Hymietown [New York]”. I’m not sure what the fully-acquitted Duke lacrosse players did to deserve being demonized by Sharpton , Jackson, and crew, either.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    I’m not sure what the fully-acquitted Duke lacrosse players did to deserve being demonized by Sharpton , Jackson, and crew, either.

    Who Jackson and Sharpton refused to apologize to even after they were proclaimed INNOCENT!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    CBS can say what they want about why they did it. But the reality is once the sponsors pulled out (for whatever the reason), Imus is not a cash cow anymore and he has no ratings. He won’t make CBS any money. That is why he was fired. I have heard worse things over the years on KQRS and the Howard Stern show and there have been protest. Nobody got fired there because they make TONS of money for the stations. This was a business decision, not a moral decision. If Imus still had the ability to generate revenue, he wouldn’t have gotten fired. It probably didn’t help him that he is considered the biggest jerk in the industry.

    And don’t get me started on Sharpton and Jackson.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Nice thread so far.

    IMHO, people in the public spotlight should be called to a higher responsibility. Being so influential in stirring people’s opinions and emotions, they need to realize that responsibility is worthy of their considerations.

    To anyone in the public eye, though this topic is basically journalism and not free speech, they should ACCEPT beheld to a higher standard. With so many listeners, it has to be realized that not everyone will appreciate the humor, the candor, the occassional “indirect” slur, the joke, the reference, etc., etc….

    Imus may be getting the short end of “fair treatment” when compared to the actions of others, but he still crossed a line. He has, over the years, made many crossings and gotten away with them so I feel no compassion for him. Business will always be business and his days were numbered anyway so I’m not riled over CBS’ decision either.

    On the scope of “why should I care?”, maybe I shouldn’t. But then again, all forms of complancency lead to someone else running my world. Well,that may save me some hardwork but I feel there’s too many idiots to embrace that notion with any level of comfort….. so…….. no thanks. I know my voice here makes little to no difference on the direction of our world but I know if my opinion is shared, it’s likely to stir some thinking. It’s the reason I like to read the posts……. you all make me think. Why care? It’s our world…… we should try living in it.

    Regarding Imus and the other controversial journalists out there, fire them all. There is a way to broadcast stories and opinions without all the trash “entertainment”. I guarantee that little to no benefit comes from tuning into negative broadcasting. Life’s bigger picture and our daily efforts to succeed in this world are not enhanced, aided, benefitted, or created by these broadcasting styles. In most cases, it can’t even qualify as “educational”. Fire them all because it’s not free speech being hindered but rather it’s journalism being exploited.

    Free speech is a protest at the capital, a letter to your congressman, a letter to the editor…… Journalism is a profession and needs the absence of trendy linguistics.

    There……… all done with the daily spout.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Well said Kid.

    Posts: 136

    Imus made a very stupid mistake. Does Sharpton or Jackson have any problems with the words in many of the Rapper songs?Does CBS?…..Big $$$ for them.Sponsors dropping advertisement to avoid the payola shake down from Sharpton and Jackson that they are so well known for?Sharpton and Jackson live very well off the race card at the expense of big companies..hush hush go away donations. I have one question?Don’t you think almost 50 yrs of affirmative action is enough?

    Posts: 1957

    I was going to say…who is Imus and what did he do…I then caught the news. I’m with Bucky here…Who cares!!


    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Care because it could be you next, sacrificed on the cross of political correctness. I am tired of blame game, it only leads to more intolerance and separatism. If the blacks are trying so hard to achieve equality, why do the continue to take every chance they get to set themselves apart. Cultures collide, words are spoken, but in the end that is all they are, words. Apparently it is perfectly acceptable for me to be a “White Devil”, but a couple of ball dribbling gals with weaves and extensions can’t be nappy headed hos? The black culture is on the road to self destruction. Black leaders with clear minds have already acknowledged it, Bill Cosby comes to mind. Cosby has been cast out for speaking the truth, instead of pointing fingers and assigning blame for the plight of a culture. Sharpton and Jackson should spend their days focused on building positive momentum in their community. Not perpetuating stereotypes and vilifying those who act within the confines of free speech and expression. If their cause is truly freedom and equality, why can’t they include everyone?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I think our opinions are being heard. The sponsors of his program do not want their products affiliated with his racist/sexist remarks because people who are offended by these comments would stop buying the products of the sponsors. That’s the initial outcome of these remarks. Secondary to that, once the sponsors pull out, CBS’s decision boils down to a business decision. No sponsors, no revenue, no job.

    If there were no outcry from the public, there would have been no reaction by the sponsors or CBS/MSNBC.

    Good discussion!

    Thanks! Eric

    Byron MN
    Posts: 136

    They are still playing nonstop on all news stations. I will quit watching tv for the next 6 months and hope it just goes away. The media frenzy is insane.

    Remeber when Michael Irvin said Tony Romo’s great grandma got serviced by a black slave??? He was trying to describe how Romo got his athletic abiltiy. This was said on national mainstream tv. No one was complaining then. He kept his job, no appologies, no suspension for that disgusting racist comment. This is just one example. There are many more. Point being is that until there this goes both ways i will not feal bad about any comments like Imus’s. Heck there were some white girls on Rutgers that those comments were pointed at too. I dont even think it was racist.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I want to reply to two things then I’ll shutup and let others make their points.

    1) ” If the blacks are trying so hard to achieve equality” Quote from a post above….Why should ‘blacks’ have to try? Shouldn’t they be equal?

    2) I don’t remember Irvin’s comments (probably cause I can’t stomach him from all the things he did while still playing), but was there a public outcry? The difference may boil down to his comments being a veiled reference to Imus’ flat out reference to ‘hos’! If Imus would have left the word ‘hos’ out, I don’t think we’re having this discussion today.

    I’m out!

    Have a good weekend!


    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482


    1) ” If the blacks are trying so hard to achieve equality” Quote from a post above….Why should ‘blacks’ have to try? Shouldn’t they be equal?

    By all standards they are, if not advantaged in many aspects of society. That being the case, why do they try so hard to make us believe that they are not? Instead of looking inward at the problems that plague their community, the choose to point fingers at those outside for the cause. Just look at the mainstream role models, and people of influence. Rappers (read murderers and thugs)and pro athletes (read murderers and thugs). Just turn on MTV it’s all right there.

    Posts: 1957


    Care because it could be you next, sacrificed on the cross of political correctness.

    Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. This subject isn’t going to get my panties in a bunch, no lost sleep or raise in BP. Somone gets the axe for running his mouth, yes, who cares. Poor Amos!

    I have more important things consuming my thoughts…water temp, ice out, where I’m going to launch my boat, get’n the camper ready, restocking the tackle box, new line on the reels, making new spinners, pouring some jigs, changing the fluids in my tow vehicle, swapping the tires on my trailer, installing a seperator, etc, etc…in general getting ready for the season.


    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    To each their own I guess. Good luck fishing.

    Posts: 163

    I think Sharpton and Jackson should come up here and defend us Minnesotan fisherman, we are being discriminated against by not letting us fish the Red Lake waters we spent millions to fix. Otherwise great post and I just wish it was an equal system, I don’t understand why when some people shoot there mouth off, it makes national TV. Where as Rosie O’donnel can shoot her mouth off and it is called ratings. If this were an equal system then the next time someone says something bad about lazy fisherman (aka me) I want them fired

    have a good weekend everybody

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    If there was equality between the races then Sharpton and Jackson would need to get real jobs.

    Go to school get an education, get a job, move up the monetary food chain. It’s how ALL races succeed.

    Metro MN
    Posts: 69


    This subject isn’t going to get my panties in a bunch

    Anyone have Gloria Steinem’s number?

    Have a good weekend, all! 55 degrees!!!!!

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