Soprano’s Ending ???

  • Todd_NE
    Posts: 701

    I have the line at…

    Tony turns informant/witness protection – 5%
    Indicted – 25%
    Carmela/AJ/Meadow kills him – 10%
    Janice Kills Tony – 50%
    Twist ending – Christopher takes over family, Whole Soprano Family whacked by NY contingent, Shoot out w/FBI, Pauli’s goes nuts, etc. – 10%

    I’m going with Janice. All the women in Tony’s life seem to control his happiness from his mother on – she tried to have him killed. In the recent episode it looks like evidence was left behind plus the Richie Aprile precedent along with Janice’s rant on it’s in the DNA…

    I see Janice getting Tony. Just an opinion.

    What do you guys think? It’s my favorite show by far ever.

    I sorta hope it ends with Tony overcoming something big and sitting in Melfi’s office finding some big key to happiness. Why do I think the ducks won’t return though

    Posts: 163

    Best show of all time, I could see Furio as he slinked off a long time ago. I say tony gets pinched and ducks out to live in Italy as his one trip to there he loved and he has family there.

    But no matter what it is a great show, like a male soap opera

    Posts: 21

    I think that One of Tony’s captains will be killed by NY is the next couple episodes(Christopher??). Tony and Bobby’s fued isn’t over yet, and Junior will die. These things have to happen. I don’t know if NY has the guts to kill Tony, but that would certainly end the series. I just can’t imagine that is how it would end! I also think the ducks to make an appearence before it’s all over!

    My .02. Enjoy the last eight!

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    I am up in the air over the ending too not sure what it will be guessin someone big will end up dead best show by far EVER for em as well

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Soprano’s? Is this some sort of opera that came to town?

    Posts: 701

    That guy Bobby took care off got Bobby’s shirt. I see him getting caught, Janice going after Tony.

    Of course, the Russian Pauli and Chris took for a ride in the woods could come back too.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    ZERO chance Tony gets wacked.

    Crosslake, MN
    Posts: 92

    I’m happy to see that there’s people out there that are into this show as much as I am. I bet Tony will overcome something huge and ends up happy. I wouldn’t doubt that AJ get’s into trouble or whacked. There will for sure be a big blood war with NY.

    Posts: 4179

    My predictions:

    Christopher gets whacked by NY

    Bobby gets pinched for the Canada murder and flips on Tony.

    Posts: 701

    Last night’s episode was a killer again!

    Phil waxing about his brother, and the name Leotardo vs. Leonardo. The real irony being Leonardo’s lifestyle and Phil offing Vito for the same thing.

    Christopher being Christopher, now Carmela and Tony are upset “Cleaver” hits a little too close to home. “Where is ADE, Christopher?” Christopher thin attempt to convince Tony otherwise. Tony melancholy in Melfi’s office saying “you’ve taught me too much about the sub-conscious…”

    Carmine telling Tony it was ok for him to NOT want to be boss. Was Tony listening. Did you catch Carmine’s malapropism – “aversion” when talking about parenting? He does one every time pretty much.

    The wine, I mean blood on Silvio…

    AJ picked a winner looking for a “real” man

    Posts: 701

    Just wondered what the thoughts are out there with only 2 shows to go? Man am I going to miss the Soprano’s! What’s left of them anyway

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