Gander Mountain in Lakeville. whats up?

  • b-curtis
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438


    I work in the fishing department in Rogers and I believe you were looking for the Daiwa Accudepth on a Cabela’s depthmaster rod. Those combos sold out as quick as they came in and I appologize for any incovienence(sp). We try very hard to give the best service we can and there are alot of us who give the same service as any mom and pop store. With that said, we also have 100 times the business as most mom and pop stores. Thats no excuse for what happend to you and I hope you can give us another chance. PM me if you need to find something and I will do my best to find it. Thanks

    If I recall, you were sold out of the Cabelas reels (my first option). You had the Daiwa reels and the cabelas rods in stock but the price was more than what was listed in the sales mailer. That was the problem. There were a few other things I bought like a couple of new pliers that were listed in the mailer but I ended up paying full price for them. Thanks for the follow here. At least you seem to care, not like at Gander where they don’t even bother to answer the service button. I have been buying a lot of stuff online but when I need to go on a road trip I will be going to Owatonna.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    I find everyone of them to be understaffed which results in less than satisfactory customer service. But so is the competition so there is nowhere to turn but online if you have the time to wait for something.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I challenge any outdoor store to meet the supply and demand of us outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen.. It would nearly be impossible! From Cabelas to the small mom and pop shops throughout the metro…

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Having worked in retail and now being in “customer service” for the last 15 years in IT, you can never make everyone happy. Doesn’t excuse poor service!!! However, it’s darn tough job and the demand to please everyone is what makes us continue to implement improvements in process. When I hear of poor CS in my department it’s a swift strong hand that typically corrects the situation. I also preach on a regular basis that it’s because of our clients we have a job. If our clients aren’t happy, we won’t hear a thing and it’s a good thing!!! If the clients are happy, they are doing a better job and company makes more money. It in turn trickles down to us. Or at least it should.

    I’m sure the big dogs are watching these comments and I hope they take them to heart.

    Breezy Point, MN
    Posts: 207

    Went to Gander in Lakeville when the doors open this morning, first thing, I use their restroom, it was filthy, no papertowels in the dispenser to dry your hands, waste bucket overflowing with used towles, I’m not one to complain, but, I’ts a wonder how that store can do any business when they can’t even keep their bathrooms up to par! Very sad service all around in my opinion.

    Posts: 55

    B Curtis “Thanks for your business”

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438



    Seriously you want change? Fill it out, let them know.

    Seriously Keep sending them in, no one sent any last time I posted it.

    I did this yesterday morning and got a call last night. I was told that apparently the buzzer in the bait shop was not working and that is why I didn’t get any help. I guess it seems a little far-fetched to me, but either way I did get a call and an apology. I was surprised how quickly they contacted me. Now only if the store CS was as good as the follow up on the complaints, they wouldn’t be getting any complaints about the CS! I’m still not going to run right back into the store, but it was nice to get the call, explanation, and apology.

    Posts: 2627

    I filled one out last night so I will wait and see how they respond before I air my complaint here.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Does anyone have anything positive to say about these stores? I know a bad rap spreads like wildfire, however how about some good things these stores have done for you!

    Or is everything negative and only bad expierences!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    My best buddy purchase an Artic Cat 4-wheeler from the Lakeville Gander. He stated that through all of his shopping around through the cities, they were $400 cheaper than anyone else.

    He was also more than pleased with the service he got when he purchased it!

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    They have a philosophy of attracting people into their stores…Hang up a big huge blaze orange banner outside the store that says, “CLEARANCE”. Why are they constantly on a clearance sale ??? I will stick to ordering my stuff on line via…RR

    Posts: 4062

    Hmm.. I have not heard back from them, what a shock

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985


    Does anyone have anything positive to say about these stores? I know a bad rap spreads like wildfire, however how about some good things these stores have done for you!

    Or is everything negative and only bad expierences!

    I spend a ton of money there. They have good inventory and I pick stuff up there on a weekly basis. That’s positive.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977


    Does anyone have anything positive to say about these stores? I know a bad rap spreads like wildfire, however how about some good things these stores have done for you!

    Or is everything negative and only bad expierences!

    Yeah this is a good point, I probably buy 85% of my fishing gear, and a bunch of clothes there every year. Honestly I think they have a great selection, overall I ever have very few complaints, and they do seem to eventually pick up on them, I was missing the Amsoil (and mentioned it to the employees) and last time in I see they just picked up a bunch of it, now the shelves are fully stocked.

    They did a great job special ordering my new terrova (lakeville store), I can tell you I’m the first person to buy a new Terrova from Gander Mountain (company wide), and even when I had issues with Minn Kota forgetting to put the prop nut kit in the box, then sending me the wrong prop kit…. Gander had heard of the problem and went ahead and got me the correct ones, even though I didn’t ask them to.

    I suppose I don’t want to sound all negitive, there are a great store IMHO, and to stay great in my eyes and the eyes of the people shopping there. They need to keep on top of things, this is why I’ve been pushing people to give them feedback, good or bad.

    I have in the past submitted some feedback to them, they haven’t called me back, but in retrospec I suppose I kind of left it as a statement over a “I’m angry and I want you to call me back” type of letter. I know they read them all, but if I’m not sure what they’d have to say to you if you said “Hey your selection on (whatever) sucks” , I’m not sure I’d really expect a call back.

    Posts: 2627

    I think my little run in with Gander kind of symbolizes what is wrong–or I preceive is wrong—with Gander. I went in last Friday and asked the gentleman in the bait shop if I could get 1/2 pound of leeches. He said everyone coming in was asking that but he couldn’t. I said what about the giving the customer what he wants. If people are asking for it why can’t you? He went into an explaination that he had asked his boss and it was because they were trying to reduce the number of UPC codes in their system. I tried explaining that it would take little effort to weight out 1/2 pound and he would get more sales. He kept up with the reducing UPC code talk. What he basicly said was this is the way we do it and if you don’t like it —too bad. I bought a couple dozen leeches and he proceeded to put them in the same container pounds are put in—but he couldn’t sell me a 1/2 pound because adding a UPC code would inconvenience them. Right there is the attitude and maybe it is true with most big box stores but if they would just listen to their customers they would get more sales and we would be happier. I did send in a complaint with my phone number and a statement to feel free to call me but I have heard nothing from them. Sorry to ramble but sometimes it just irks me that these places don’t use any common sense in their approach to business.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I recently sent a email complaining about customer service in the Rogers Cabelas [bargain cave]. I got a personal phone call from the manager assuring my that the problem would be addressed and a few days later a $20 gift card in the mail with a written apology. More effective than gripping on here.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    More effective than gripping on here.

    If the person/company never knows that they have dis-satisfied customers, it will never change.

    No business likes to have unhappy customers. Sometimes they just don’t realize there is a problem.

    Now, when you consider the vast amount of consumer traffic in the Gander’s and Cabela’s, who would ever think there is a problem?

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Rumor has it there is a Brand NEW UPC lable for the bait shop, Leeches can be sold by the 1/2 pound and have their very own new UPC code Now I can’t say for sure when the all the stores will be aware of this.

    Sometimes the correct people need to be contacted, Stores don’t always have this control. That’s why sending the feedback to corporate works.

    Posts: 2627

    That is amazing Nick. You have renewed my faith in the system. I will remember the feedback form in the future. My hat is off to Gander for listening!

    Posts: 4062

    Well I am impressed they took their time to call me, I talked to Todd from Gander, nice fellow.

    I guess if they can take the time to call I will go back, better than some places that give

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    I gave Gander in Lakeville a try on Saturday, I was very impressed with the service I got looking for a new reel. For once the guy I talked to had some idea of what he was talking about. I sent in a response of my postive experience.

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    unfortunately I have been burnt at gander too many times! I will be going to fleet farm or cabelas for the larger purchases.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I work for Fleet Farm in Hudson and it’s nice to see through these threads that our stores are considered a decent alternative to the specialty shops. I mean, Fleet Farm really is…….. a department store! If we’re doing well enough to be perceived as a decent alternative, maybe we should send some word to corporate to further specialize in Sporting Goods????

    Anyway, let me voice some observations:

    1) People in the departments can’t know everything. Employee coverage, availability, and knowledge base factor in. We have guys that know a lot about hunting. Some know a lot about camping. Some know fishing. With over 20,000 SKUs in the department, we can’t know it all or keep up with it all. So please, we will all do the best we can to find answers and meet your needs, but please come in with a kind and considerate approach. I’ve had guys ask for my recommendations and then tell me 2 inches from my face that “I’ve been fishin’ them blankety-blankin’ walleyes for 30 blankety-blankin’ years! I know what I’m doin’ and I know what I need!” Well, nothing like being told I’m an idiot……. and still being asked if I can recommend a new rod and reel combo! Please guys…….. be nice. Some of us have learned other things that DO work.

    2) Inventory control is not up to the floor sales people. Therefore, talk to the store manager AND voice your concerns with corporate. If there’s a great enough demand for a product, they’ll get it in. Thus, a new UPC for 1/2 lb. leeches.

    3) A store that has properly delegated space will seldom have “any more in the back”. But please, ask. We’ll look. If we’re not standing next to you, track one of us down. We have projects to complete, shelves to stock, cleaning to do, but we’ll drop everything to help the customer. If we’re already helping someone, we will acknowledge you and let you know that we’ll be right with you. Please don’t jump in like we’re just chatting with people we know. Be patient and considerate of us as well. Sometimes we get stuck juggling 3 to 4 customers and it’s difficult to do, but bear with us, we WILL personally attend to your need.

    4) Items mismarked on the shelf. Big problem! Pricing control should be a part of weekly efforts too. When an employee price checks, they will find items on the wrong peg and/or wrong tags. It will aid in accuracies and CLEAN UP THE AILES at the same time. Mention this to the store manager and to HQ if you’re running into this a lot.

    5) Items on the wrong peg are MOSTLY CAUSED BY CUSTOMERS. If you find an item easily, because it’s where it belongs, PLEASE PUT IT BACK EXACTLY WHERE YOU FOUND IT. This takes up our time, creates overhead dollars, and directly effects our availabililty and pricing. Believe me, if a store has enough traffic, they will find the need to hire another person JUST to clean up after the customers. That creates overhead and higher price settings!

    6) No one can be the lowest priced on everything and they can’t carry everything. The most efficient inventory is the one that sells out by the end of the season. New products have no history and can boon or bust. This year’s hot lure isn’t necessarily next years hot lure. Work with the staff and ORDER the item (or call the corporate buyer) and BUY IT FROM THE STORE YOU REQUESTED THIS FROM. If they can’t see an increase in sales, you’re not likely to see an increase in stock.

    7) “Stuff” happens. Be prepared for it and keep your shirt on. Errors in inventory, receiving, corporate instruction, etc., etc.,….. We will do the best we can to correct the issue.

    8) USE THE PHONE! It’s a pain in rear for us at the store who are trying to help people who are actually there, but it can help us help you. Call and ask if we have an item in stock. Have us visually verify this. If we have a low stock, we (retailers in general) will likely set it aside for you to pick up. This practice can save lots of $$$$ and miles. PLEASE SHOW UP if you reserve an item. Nothing worse than turning someone away when you’re holding an item, only to have that person “no show”. Personally, I gather contact numbers to help prevent this but sometimes, I still get stuck disappointing someone else. Is that poor service? No. That’s poor conduct from those in control… the customer.

    9) The customer is NOT always right. Only in control. Give us a chance to provide the best option or explanation. Every week, someone wants “that thing on sale”, that was actually from the week before. Every week, someone wants to know “why the sale item is sold out?” There are a few variables that lead to this and most of them have little or nothing to do with the store itself. Suppliers don’t meet anticipated shipping dates. Corporate didn’t get the memo in time for correcting the advertisement. This particular store was only expected to sell 3 units. Demand sold us out before the sale even began.

    10) Do your homework. Know what the item is called. “DewHickey” isn’t good enough. “That thing that does this” is unacceptable. We CANNOT meet the needs of those who give us nothing to work with. I’ve sent people away only to later find out I could have given them the very thing they wanted……. but because I couldn’t understand them or guess proplerly enough, I failed. Please don’t show up at our stores clueless. GUYS…….. stop sending your wives to do your shopping! “He needs a plastic worm for bass fishing.” GIVE US A BREAK PLEEEEEEEASE! What style? What size? What color? Scented? Unscented? Pre-rigged? Weedless? Is there a particular brand he likes? HELP US HELP YOU!!!! Write it down before you ask her to pick it up! Trust me, she’ll love you more for it.

    11) Talk to us. When we approach and say, “Hi!”, that’s your queue. “Can I help you locate anything today?” “Naww, just lookin'” (5 minutes later) “Say, don’t you guys have any…… or carry the ……… cuz I’ve been looking high and low for it.” HELP US HELP YOU. What if, in that few minutes later, we go to lunch? Sometimes I ask a 2nd question. “Naww, just lookin’.” “For what?” “Just seein’ what you have.” “What would you like to see or possibly bump into?” Then, I FINALLY get somewhere and many times, it leads to “thanks man, you just saved me a lot of time.”

    12) If you just want to be left alone, tell us “No thanks. I’m just window shopping today” or “No thanks but if something stirs a question, I’ll be sure to look you up.”

    13) Use your head. HELP US HELP YOU. Don’t umbrella us with expectations because everyone’s got a different list of them. Do your homework and be prepared, not for disappointment, but to work with us. If there’s nothing we can do, we will at least try to refer someone or someplace that can meet your needs.

    After all this, I’m guessing Suzuki has some level of repoire with Gander in Woodbury. He’s there a lot, knows the guys, and the guys know him. However, I’ve had numerous complaints come into my store this year about unknowledgeable people and difficulty in finding items, along with unattentive personnel. I’m guessing for as many people as I refer to Gander or Sportman’s Warehouse, that you guys are probably hearing some of the same about Fleet Farm. Know this, I’ve never bashed either store while hearing complaints. I simply let them know that I’m sorry to hear about their experience and invite them to see what we can do. There’s no need to store bash and honestly, I think it helps no one. We should all work together to help each other along and I know that there’s good guys in all these shops that suffer from the actions of others. But I thought I’d mention that these things are reaching my ears……. in case you guys in Woodbury wanted to address it in your next store meeting.

    …….. You know, maybe I should just write a book……..

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Very good post! Working retail is sometimes a chore, but nonetheless I do it cause I have a passion for the outdoors. I enjoy seeing people come back to Cabelas and tell stories about the past fishing or hunting trip! That is why I do it…I certainly don’t do it for the money!
    Read and re-read the above post to prepare yourself when walking into any department store…

    Thanks everyone…..have a safe opening weekend!

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