Red Lake Fishery to Open

  • Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843


    I remember reading in the Outdoor news a year, year and a half ago about one of the higher ranking DNR guys looking into the court cases that gave the band ownership of that lake. I thought he said he dug into it and couldn’t find any basis for them running that lake. If someone can find that article or can recall how it went it would be nice to know exactly what it was about. This post has stayed mostly factual so I don’t want to state something I can’t prove. The way I remember he asked the Red Lake Tribe to verify which court case gave them there treaty rights and they asked him to resign for looking into it.

    Like I said if anyone can find that article that would be great, otherwise I could be mistaken and I don’t want to say something not true about the situation. (it wouldn’t be the first time my memory was a little off )

    You are correct there was a article like that. Do to political pressure (read MONEY) it was dismissed as being non-factual. Money talks…….today, tomorrow, always.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    while looking into this a bit more I found this in a reply on the Bemidji Pioneer’s article to the same topic, there they have a bit more coming from “the oher” point of view. I hope this is not a break in the rules, but here it goes.

    Red Lakers pondered with the idea about opening up the west side of the lake with a planned casino resort but it didnt gain much steam. Many members are opposed plus it would go against what our chiefs had in mind when they signed them treeaties. They wanted the lake to be used by the members and there children and so forth. Red Lake already gave up 13 million acres of territory in the 1800’s and with less then a million left the majority would want it kept to the band. The federal government set up this land and its lakes for the exclusive use of the Red Lake band of chippewa. Yes it is a good idea from a economic stand point.(money wise) But somethings are more valueable to us then money one of them being the lake. the majority of the band wants to leave it this way. I there are lots of people out there that are angry with us. I don’t know why. We don’t try and take other people lands and lakes. I know there is lots of poverty up here and i live in it. you want some positive news about Red Lake. You get it. The opening of the fisheries is going to help alot of poor people in this region. Red Lakers in general are all touched in someway or came from poverty. And its hard getting out. I can’t help I was born with nothing. But i can help the situation i am in being i am poor. This is gonna put income into the hands of people that desperately need it. and I being one of them find this is great news. Now i have a way to get the money i need to support my little ones. my kids are 2,3,4 and one on the way. Imagine there little smiles when daddy comes home with stuff. or we all go to walmart. you know. i just don’t know why you people out there want to keep up this us them bull. and be happy for us. Red lakers been through so damn much. i’D say all families are touched one way or another with pain of have red skin and being poor. Families suffering over the losses here these past few years, my brother was shot at school too. been through so damn much. It will help us help our selves. It will help the counties Ain’t that gonna make the tax paying citizens for the truth happy? Less strain on the bugets of human services.
    Andrew A
    04/10/2007 2:32 PM

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