Red Lake Fishery to Open

  • Besox
    Posts: 596

    I am pretty sure all the big rigs sitting in the Mille Lacs casino lot are not retired people. That is part of the problem, $8.00 buffet, $20.00 in a slot here or there won’t matter. It’s does. Just look at the results!!!!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I have not been to the Mille Lacs casino, or that side of the lake for that matter, for about 10 years, I don’t know, but I am guessing the mini vans out number the big rigs. I was commenting on Mystic, as I was there about 4 years ago for a Chrysler function.(no gambling for me, I was there for the free beer) Again, I am all for staying out of the Casinos, but bigger issues are at fault here, other than them making $3.00 or so, on a buffet meal, that’s what I am saying.

    big g

    Posts: 785

    if Im close to being right- Who Owns Eddies on Mille Lacs- Hummm??- who do you think will buy Hudec’s on the North end of Upper Red thats up for sale for $575,000 – I believe thats the amount- look around and smell the support of a night stay or an $8 buffet- it adds up or they wouldnt be doing it or buying up everything- If we were smart we would toss the $8 bucks, the cost of an overnight stay, and the amount of $100 bucks you will loose in a pot and buy some of theses places– kinda like a cooperative– everyone invested gets a cut of yearly investment and profit back after a few years??

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    We couldn’t be as profitable as a tax free casino, that is a BIGGER issue, than the buffets or the hotel stays. (I do not do either) Saying the fisherman that has the buffet is “at fault” is not getting at the real issues. But this is just me. I will be quiet now.

    big g

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    From today’s Pioneer Press / AP wire:

    Red Lake, Minn. / Plant to process Red Lake walleye
    Pioneer Press

    Article Last Updated: 04/10/2007 11:17:06 PM CDT

    The Red Lake band of Chippewa is planning to open a commercial walleye processing plant in June thanks to a $1 million grant from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community.

    Red Lake Chairman Floyd “Buck” Jourdain Jr. said the band will open the Redby plant where tribal members will fillet and freeze the catch themselves.

    The operation would be part of Red Lake Foods, which already sells wild berry jams and syrups and wild rice.

    Jourdain said only hook-and-line fishing would be allowed for at least the first two or three years. The walleye catch limit, which was 10 fish a day in tribal waters in 2006, may be raised, but the harvest would not exceed the band’s total quota, he said.

    The band controls all of Lower Red Lake and about 60 percent of Upper Red Lake. Only band members are permitted to keep fish caught in tribal waters.

    In the mid-1990s, walleye populations in Red Lake declined dramatically, leading to a ban on commercial fishing. In 1999, the band entered into a 10-year agreement with the state of Minnesota and the Bureau of Indian Affairs to restore the fishery. Walleye fishing on Red Lake resumed last spring.

    – Associated Press

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Any store or restaurant that buys a crumb from Red Lake Foods will never see a cent from me.

    Posts: 1573

    Its no surprise that they are opening the lake back up to harvest but lets just hope we and they have learned from the past that management is the key to the future of any lake.Quite honestly the lake probably needs some harvest and be managed properly instead of sitting idle.Lets also hope that we have learned from the Mille Lacs deal that trying to beat the indians into submission isnt going to work either.

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 38

    the indians should have to take fish the way they did in the old days with a birchbark canoe and a spear.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    It’s really baffeling why somebody up there doesn’t see the potential of the Lake as a tourist destination.

    Let’s say the tribe dredged a harbor into their portion of the Lake. Built a Casino / motel complex simular to the Fortune Bay set up in Vermilion.

    Charge a special one day permit fee of $15.00 or a three day of $25 to fish their portion of the Lake. Add in the revenue from the Casino, the Motel, the bar, the restaurant, gas for boats ect.

    Now, tell me you are better off commercially fishing the lake.

    Show me one person who would balk at paying $15.00 to catch a real trophy Pike on Red Lake.

    Call me stupid, but I just don’t get it.

    Posts: 1573

    Yes I also believe they are sitting on a gold mine if they were to build a Hotel/Casino and cator to sport fishing.But from talking to people that know the natives better than I they say that the elders of the tribe want nothing to do with it.Maybe that will change in generations to come but I doubt it will happen anytime soon.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Sadly Brian, you are exactly correct. However, there are generations of hatred handed down within the tribe. I’m not saying the white man isn’t just as guilty(or deserving of some of this), because I know what I was taught by the old man. I hope as we mature as a nation, we can figure out a way past these prejudices. However, until both sides are open to the vision of dissolving the sovereign nation, I don’t think this will happen.

    My opinion is this won’t ever be the wealthiest tribe in MN, but man could they get out of poverty in a hurry. I’ve never been to the Red lake reservation, however if we could come to an agreement, I would have no problem supporting our fellow Americans to help get them out of the poverty levels they live in now.

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Kooty and all…good points. But that is assuming IF they did build and operate a profitable toursism business…the tribe members would see the money.

    The money you see being poured into housing, infrastructure . clinics, schools etc. at the Mille Lacs Reservation is ALL U.S. tax dollars…NOT Casino profits. And unlike the Mystic Lake bunch…the others do NOT get big amounts of $$(if any) from the Casino operations–be it Mille Lacs or elsewhere. It’s ALL public record but the media does not allow you to hear/read/learn about it….the facts.

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642


    the indians should have to take fish the way they did in the old days with a birchbark canoe and a spear.

    This(thread) is going t get ugly!! But come on, these kind of remarks are just stupid. WE did it,its our politicians.(we voted for them).Send a note to your congressman and tell them how you feel.Let me know if you get a response.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    Any store or restaurant that buys a crumb from Red Lake Foods will never see a cent from me.

    Fish bought and sold in MN are bought from Canada or outside MN, and not fish netted within MN. There is a law in place to keep that from happening. (I am told anyways.)

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317



    the indians should have to take fish the way they did in the old days with a birchbark canoe and a spear.

    This(thread) is going t get ugly!! But come on, these kind of remarks are just stupid. WE did it,its our politicians.(we voted for them).Send a note to your congressman and tell them how you feel.Let me know if you get a response.

    I agree. I think comments like that are akin to saying we (White/Black/Asian) should deer hunt with muzzle loaders only, no scopes, no GPS, fish with no depth finders, cameras, etc.

    I do agree that the fault lies within our congressmen and women. The question I want answered is how come I am being discriminated against? How come I cannot have the same “RIGHTS” as a “NATIVE AMERICAN” which I am.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    It was our politicians and money that put the Casino’s in business. It is the Casino money paying our polititions that will keep them in business.

    Steve is right on the infra-structure thing. It’s the Federal governments Bureau Of Indian Affairs that funds all that stuff. With your tax dollars.

    It’s all water under the bridge at this point. Please do not visit the Casino, Eddie’s resort, Subway, Conoco all on the west side of the lake, all band owned. All of the profits are used to fund the battle against you and your rights.

    These are my opinions only, use your own judgement and spend your money as you like.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I am very very serious about this. I think the only way out of this, and the raping Mille Lacs takes from the nets every year, is to file a class action lawsuit against the US Government for discrimination. It is the only way to get the Govt’s attention.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022


    It was our politicians and money that put the Casino’s in business. It is the Casino money paying our polititions that will keep them in business.

    Steve is right on the infra-structure thing. It’s the Federal governments Bureau Of Indian Affairs that funds all that stuff. With your tax dollars.

    It’s all water under the bridge at this point. Please do not visit the Casino, Eddie’s resort, Subway, Conoco all on the west side of the lake, all band owned. All of the profits are used to fund the battle against you and your rights.

    These are my opinions only, use your own judgement and spend your money as you like.

    Couldnt have said it better..

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    There was a Q&A with one of the Red Lake Tribal leaders that a read a couple of weeks ago. He stated the band is fully aware of the financial opportunities the Red Lake band could make from opening the lake. He then went on to say he doesn’t ever see it happening.

    I don’t blame them, its a pride issue and when you got Gov money and kickbacks coming from the Mystic Band. Why build something and have to go to work everyday???

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    True. We talked to a Res Dweller up there who stated the elders have said that “No white man shall ever legally fish Red Lake (Indian water) in their lifetime, or children’s, or grand children’s…” Money is not nor has it ever been an issue.

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642


    I am very very serious about this. I think the only way out of this, and the raping Mille Lacs takes from the nets every year, is to file a class action lawsuit against the US Government for discrimination. It is the only way to get the Govt’s attention.

    That will be like Pissin’ into the wind Let us know how that goes chris. Its all about money and big money. Our govt officials are being greased by the Indians with our money thats being spent at the casinos………

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    First of all….I commend IDA, if this thread stays factual and not negative in a “bad” way, to allow this discussion. Because it is a VERY relevant subject.

    That said…when discussing funding….you should also know that the netting on Mille Lacs and around the state by the various tribes is ALL totally funded by U.S. tax $$. BIA funds ALL their legal battles also. So…you are paying for BOTH sides of the legal battles–including the battle of the ’90’s that ended in the Supreme Court. Even the Tribal Governments are funded by U.S. tax dollars…including Tribal police and officials salaries etc. Yes…even in todays Casino world!

    Casino dollars? Go figure…

    The ONLY way this ALL goes away…is to end the sovereignty thing.

    BUT! Even by discussing this in this fashion….even though ALL you are asking for is EQUAL rights per our Civil Rights laws on U.S. soil, YOU are considered racist.

    And there is the problem! Your government is afraid of being the next Imus!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Where are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? I want them to take up this cause. This is all about Race. And I am being discriminated against.

    Posts: 596

    We need to get these issues noticed by the media and the politicians. Maybe a few hundred picket signs along the west side every weekend? We to organize and attack these issues at the only point left and that is the dirty money it takes to lobby the geniuses at the capitol. The longer we wait the more we lose!

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    As far as turning Red into a tourist area, there are a few problems.

    1) It is a long drive from the cities

    2) It isnt a pretty area near the lakes

    3) A lot of competition that rates much better for 1&2

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 38

    i have to apologize for my comment yesterday one of my brothers friends left that wise comment

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 292

    As far as turning Red into a tourist area, there are a few problems.

    1) It is a long drive from the cities
    So is Lake of the Woods and Devils Lake. Lots of people go there. Tons of people go to RED Lake during the winter to fish for crappies

    2) It isnt a pretty area near the lakes
    Totally agree it is the worst lake ever.

    3) A lot of competition that rates much better for 1&2
    Right know yes, but my understanding is Red Lake was at one time the best walleye lake in MN.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    a long drive from the cities could be looked apon as a positive. How many people do you know who say “I just want to get away from the crowds” If over 5,000 trucks/cars can drive on to Red (ice) on one Friday, then wouldn’t you think that Red is close enough to some place? They would have to put some time and effort plus $ to try to distinguish themselves and to appeal to a certain group. I know back in the “day” Red was the largest walleye fishery, it could regain it’s place, and to an extent already has, but the fishery is still fragile. I hope they realize what a PR mess this could or will end up being.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I just heard an add on the radio selling walleye fillets.. they stated most of their stuff comes from Canada.. but also from Red Lake as available…. I think it was someone like Coastal Seafood.. something like that…
    I also thought Minnesota tribes couldnt sell within the state… but I maybe thats wrong.. of course maybe Coastal isnt a State entity.. maybe they are “out of state”.. buy from Red Lake.. and sell here?

    from what I read here above I imagine it will be a long time (if ever) before they open the lake to the public (on a for profit basis)…. I cant say that I know if its a matter of spite or heritage… from what I know of other tribes Id guess its heritage.. but I have no way of knowing here.. I do know a few Tribal members of various tribes through the US personally.. Ive met them on my photo journies… they have been some of the nicest people Ive ever met.. most of them would give you their last dime if they figured you needed it more then them…. I had one give me a moose horn just because I admired it.. in that area a similar one would sell for $300 EASY… I gave him a photo print and we called it even… even though it clearly wasnt…. (I dont get $300 for one of my prints! I wish!)

    Posts: 163

    I remember reading in the Outdoor news a year, year and a half ago about one of the higher ranking DNR guys looking into the court cases that gave the band ownership of that lake. I thought he said he dug into it and couldn’t find any basis for them running that lake. If someone can find that article or can recall how it went it would be nice to know exactly what it was about. This post has stayed mostly factual so I don’t want to state something I can’t prove. The way I remember he asked the Red Lake Tribe to verify which court case gave them there treaty rights and they asked him to resign for looking into it.

    Like I said if anyone can find that article that would be great, otherwise I could be mistaken and I don’t want to say something not true about the situation. (it wouldn’t be the first time my memory was a little off )

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