Is this time when walleye gather up to spawn also?

  • Angler007
    Posts: 24

    Was wondering when walleyes spawn. Few years ago aroudn this time we were bombfiring at my cousins house and he has a creek right in his back yard that was loaded with walleys. Giagantic walleyes, gurantee’d half were 30+ inches that would be slow moving up against current in 2ft of water. We’re throwing a party this weekend at his pad and if I see them moving, I will take a picture for you guys to see. Its neat to see 30-40 perked up against a ledge, its like mad glowing eyes when we lighted. Cousin lives between two big lakes, I suspect either spawning or migrating.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920

    More than likely spawning. It is a sight to see, thats for sure

    big g

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Walleyes spawn when temps are in the mid-40’s, say 44-46 degrees. Rivers right now are in that range, lakes more up north, and connecting rivers am sure the temps are well below that range.
    Am sure the fish you are seeing are doing Pre-Spawning movements.
    Hope you can get some pics.

    Cordova, IL
    Posts: 373

    Walleyes are spawning as we speak down here on Pool 14. Water temp has gone from 57 down to 43 degrees in the last week!

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    I was able to see them spawning in a small creek once and boy was that a sight to see! Just thousands of walleye nose to tail.

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