Gas Prices

  • sgt._rock
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2517

    Must be Easter travel weekend. I see gas prices jumped .14 cents this morning in Rochester. $2.69 now.

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    $2.95 for diesel here in central NE

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1025

    Some stations in Bloomington went from $2.49 to $2.79.

    Posts: 198

    I wonder what the “reason” is this time?

    Posts: 2294

    Drove up to the pond yesterday. S.A. in Elk River was 2.549 on the way up at 11:00, 2.759 on the way home at 3:00!

    I need to fill up today too.

    Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    I’m pretty sure greed is the reason.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Yeah, I saw the price (greed) jump up yesterday too. Heading up to the Pond tonight so I filled at Fleet Farm for $2.49 yesterday before it jumped up.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12318

    I heard today it was the always convenient “Reserves are low, and will be for the next two months due to demand, and should start to come down after Memorial weekend.”

    I was shocked…(Yawn…. )Couldn’t see that one coming.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2517

    Wasn’t the last excuse the tension with Iran and the British troops captured? Oh wait they were released so must be something else.

    Posts: 2294

    I’ve heard that there is some program out there to pre-buy gasoline. The way I understood it was that when the price was lower, you could buy X number of gallons at that price, and then just pump it at the station when you needed it. I’d heard some people were buying up to 1000 gals. at a time, and then using it as they wanted when the prices were to high. If the price was close to what they paid for their “reserve” they would just pay as normal and save their “reserve” for when the prices were much higher.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    There are actually many companies that do that. Here in Saint Cloud we have First Fuel Banks. However their prices do not fluctuate as rapidly the gas stations. 2 years ago my boss bought 10000 gallons of diesel fuel. Lets just say he’s living high off the hog. Smart man though

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    They, (the gas mongers) are extremely smart. They raise it .20 and hear us complain then lower it .10 and we are all happy. Do this enough times and the gas keeps getting higher and we seem to be content. I for one am not happy about this, but it will re-awaken the demands for lower prices.
    Yes, I realize that this is America and free markets rule and I should shut up and invest my money into those companies, but it is so much easier to be PI$$ed off.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I bought a smaller truck a while back to conserve on fuel… turns ou the smaller truck gets worse milage than te full size van did!

    But the gas tank is only 1/3 of the size… 12 gallons? I guess I feel like I am spending less for gas

    My solution to the gas prices.. fish closer to home. There is nothing we can do about the gas prices…. I gave up complaining a long time ago.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Ya, It is just a big darn joke really. I gave up worrying about it awhile ago too. If I’m going to do something then I’ll do it anyways. They have us by the short hairs.

    Posts: 3835

    Yup Dave is right. Fish closer to home. I doubt the price fixers will go as high this time because they might get subpoened now.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4447

    No one is price fixing.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Just don’t forget, the next time you pump gas, to get:
    Mountain Dew: $1.39
    grab bag of Chips: $1.79
    Snicker candy bar: $.99
    A bottle of “water”: $.99
    pack of smokes: $4.09
    can of chew: $6.09
    5 scratch off lottery tickets: $5.00

    Oh yea,
    better grab a power ball: $2.00

    There went $17 of “needed” goods!

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Gas always goes up around a travel weekend…

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Gas is only $1.35 if you share your boat with someone that would really enjoy a day on the water. That’s the only way I can justify heading for Lake Michigan, LOW, etc.

    Posts: 3835


    Ya don’t need any of those things to get to work do you? When a precious few control the supply… We hear every excuse from the industry. Tensions with Iran…. Since the tensions are less today shouldn’t the price go down. It always goes down much slower than it goes up.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057



    Ya don’t need any of those things to get to work do you?

    Of course not. However, those items sell more/faster than gas at gas stations. Gas stations rely on those goods listed to make money. I guess that is why their are convienence stations today and not fill station.

    Oh yea, forgot the coffee……Gotta have the $.99 cent coffee, instead of making a pot of fresh brew at home for about $0.10.

    The point I’m trying to make is that many people (no, not all, just many) spend alot of money on “silly stuff” at the gas station. This “silly stuff” is only “blowing” money. The average consumer does this almost “blindly”, with no regard to price. They want it, so they grab it. Heck, it is only “pocket change”. However, it add ups and it adds up fast.

    Gas prices increased 12% this week. It is substantial. But when the smoke clears……It cost the average consumer $6 more this week to fill up their tank of gas.

    With that $6 in mind…..
    What did the average consumer spend this week in the gas station on:
    mountain dew
    lottery tickets

    IF a person would just brew their own coffee, instead of buying a cup for $1 each day of the 5 work days a week. It isn’t a financial issue.

    What it is though, is a psychological issue that is very painfull in the eyes of the beholder.

    You are right Kev;
    Gas is quick to go up and slow to go down…….Just like the stockmarket is quick to go down, but slow to go up.
    All based on “futures”.

    Posts: 3835

    my prediction is that gas will go up to 2.99 per gallon and that is it. If it goes higher than that, the people making billions in profits will find themselves sitting in front of congress answering some pointed questions. This time under oath. They have more excuses than a second grader. The chinese are buying all the crude. Hurricanes. Those rotten tree huggers and their boutique fuels. Gas is more expensive in Europe. New Orleans was destroyed. Uncertainty in the middle east. My favorite is refinery down for maintenance. I will give you one point, that is local gas stations are not getting rich. I will also remind you that companies like Enron were caught red handed manipulating prices in California. The other big oil companies are just better at hiding it IMHO. I look forward to a new administration dumping the stategic oil reserves on the market again.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    As one wise blonde once said “it doesn’t matter how high gas prices go, I only buy $10 anyway.”

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4447

    Post deleted by Steve Plantz

    Posts: 3835

    There is no cause to be calling people names Dave. If you don’t agree with folks just say so. There really are no facts only perceptions anyway. Have a nice Easter everyone.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    You too Kevin!

    HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!

    Looks like this year, the egg hunt will be indoors!

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    I read in the paper recently that prices were expected to ‘top out’ at $2.70/gallon for the entire summer. Not only are these people greedy, but they think we’re stupid, too. Do they really expect ANYone to believe that we won’t see any increases for the next three summer holidays?

    And DaveB… are things at Exxon, anyways? Sounds to me like that’s who you work for.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4447

    I am dont know how I can settle down, since I am not upset. I used capitals to emphasize the point that there is not a single reason why oil companies (being the largest companies ever and experience all time high demand) shouldnt be making more money than anyone else ever has.

    I also find it humorous that “those who are opposed to capitalism” are always looking for ways to tear down those who have success. Who will they tax if no one is successful?

    And no, I dont work for Exxon. I work in Agriculture. I just feel like someone should be able to sell a product for whatever they want to.

    I also dont smoke, but I hate the Govt telling private enterprise how to run their own business.

    I wear a seatbelt, but I hate Govt telling me that they need a law to legislate common sense.

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073


    I am dont know how I can settle down, since I am not upset. I used capitals to emphasize the point that there is not a single reason why oil companies ( being the largest companies ever and experience all time high demand) shouldnt be making more money than anyone else ever has.

    I also find it humorous that “those who are opposed to capitalism” are always looking for ways to tear down those who have success. Who will they tax if no one is successful?

    And no, I dont work for Exxon. I work in Agriculture . I just feel like someone should be able to sell a product for whatever they want to.

    I also dont smoke, but I hate the Govt telling private enterprise how to run their own business.

    I wear a seatbelt, but I hate Govt telling me that they need a law to legislate common sense.

    1. What happen to our phone costs when the Largest Company in the World was broken up?? Oh yea real competition and then the prices dropped.

    2. Agriculture? are they not one of the largest government subsidized industries out there?

    I believe in capitalism, but when there is a commodity that is primarily controlled by a very small number of persons, that can very easily lead to problems.

    Is the lack of competition truly capitalism?

    I am a tight arss and when this continues to rise and fat cats just keep getting fatter it just really chaps my

    Plus it just costs me too much to keep driving back and forth from Winona to St.Paul to see my son in the Hospital

    Every run is about $50. OUCH!

    Posts: 3835

    I am a veteran of the freaking US Army. Capitalism is the best system. No doubt about it, but corrections are necessary. Ma bell was a good example of that. so was US steel and Standard Oil. The trusts that were busted earlier in US history where a few very powerful folks were able to own everything. Is it a good society if 100 people own everything and the rest get minimum wages?

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