boat leakage

  • eye_hunter
    Posts: 517

    hey i took my boat for a spin, and well after i took it out of the water i pulled the plug in the back and a whole bunch of water came out. does this mean my boat is leaking. i was on the river for a good two hours and did not notice anything. should i get it checked or does it often do that. could marine repair shops fix leakage and for about how much.

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Not knowing what your weather conditions were but if it was not taking water in from rain or over spray I would say you got a leak. What kinda boat is this cause some boats had issues with there live well hoses leaking. But otherwise if a dealership cannot fix the problem they will usually have a list of people that can fix it. As for the price could be spendy this time of year since they are going to be pretty backed up with boats already…Supply and demand…
    Good luck and let us know how it goes…

    Caledonia, WI
    Posts: 4

    A good way to find a leak is to(while trailered)plug the drain and hose in a few inches of water into your hull. don’t fill the hull or you risk damaging your trailer springs. Simply look for the leak. If you don’t see water dripping anywhere externally it likely will be a fitting or hose that didn’t get drained completely and froze/ cracked. Then the fun of pulling flooring up to access the culprit leaker begins. Plan on spending a weekend doing this or the shops(marinas) will bleed you. Good luck!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    If you got a lot of water in just two hours and it is “new”, I would guess that you have a livewell hose that has come loose.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    I had this happen to me once on a newer boat a few years back and it was a Livewell Pump that cracked from freezing water in it. I was fishing with the livewell in the Fall yet and must have gotten a little too cold. So the following Spring water was coming in at the crack and filling up my Hull. Luckily my auto bilge kicked in once it hit the right level. After a few times of this happening, I looked in the access cover and saw a ton of water. Just thought I would give you another thing to check.

    Posts: 517

    thanks for all the info, i was out when it was snowing last night and i did try to turn on the livewell pump. at first it did not work than after awhile it worked. so where can i locate this livewell pump, i have an out board engine. is it inside the boat, or is it inside the engine. thanks for all the help.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Inside the boat, usually towards the back. What type of boat do you have?????

    Posts: 517

    i have a tracker, 1989. it drives with a steering wheel. can i just hose water into the boat through the plug and see where it leaks too.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    You need to find out where the pumps are if you think it is the pump. I’m not familiar with the boat. It is probably under the floor in the back though. Where you located?

    Posts: 517

    i live in minneapolis, and i just bought that boat.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    I live in Blaine. Did you buy it from a dealer or private party? I’m swamped right now with work and family stuff, but perhaps next week I can take a look at it on Tuesday???

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    TRACKER says it all, I also own one, 02 pt185 and guess what it takes on water after a day on the water too. Hopefully you can find your source and correct it. I just live with mine.

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