my eyes are getting bad

  • bluegill
    Byron, minnesota.
    Posts: 6

    I was spooling up some new mono on some of my rods tonight, wow is that getting tougher. Seems like every year it gets harder to work with. I have a hard time just running line through the eyelets not to mention trying to put it on the spool, then try to tie something on the other end, I finaly just had to quit for the night.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I have learned to save myself the headaches and have it spooled at the store. they will also thread it through the eyes and tie on a jig if you ask.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Do you think I use Power Pro because I like too?

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977


    I have learned to save myself the headaches and have it spooled at the store. they will also thread it through the eyes and tie on a jig if you ask.


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Better make a trip to te eye-doctor gilby!

    Brian… yes, you use it because you like it! Heavy nuclear green mono is way easier to see at night!

    ” I have learned to save myself the headaches and have it spooled at the store. they will also thread it through the eyes and tie on a jig if you ask. ”

    The hard part is getting that person who spooled the line to come fishing to tie a new jig on every time you lose one!

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    I have 12 rods/reels so I purchased my own Berkely line spooling machine ..Well worth the $$

    Posts: 439

    Buy a pair of magif. glasses. I know Shopko has them and I’m sure other stores do. Try them on till you find which ones work for you. Did that for years but had to go to bi-focals finally. I would definitly get your eyes checked. GOOD LUCK.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Sucks doesn’t it? Slowly but surely.

    Twin Cities, Minn.
    Posts: 90

    Eyewear options are several. I really like using a magnifier that clips onto my cap. (These work real well, but will sink a cap more quickly than usual if your cap blows into the lake.) Reader glasses can also be helpful.

    Two other things that I sometimes forget until I am having more difficulty than usual — good light (a headlamp works well) and a dark background for contrast.


    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4080

    Somebody hasn’t been eating their carrots.

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