Lake Mesaba , Canada 37 inch, 15 pound Northern

  • In-Depth Webstaff
    Posts: 2756

    Now we don’t have a Canada Only fourm so I do believe this pic will fit in nicely right here.

    This picture was sent in by Connie Zoubek.She has caught a dandy pike up in Canada, here is what she wrote….. This 37 inch, 15 pound Northern was caught (and released) by Connie Zoubek
    > in August, 2000 on Lake Mesaba in Canada.
    > I’m not sure if you want to put this on the web site being it’s an older picture and was caught in Canada, but she’s a beauty!
    > Thanks!
    > Connie Zoubek

    And a beauty she is !! Thanks for sending in your picture Connie. What did you catch that pike on ?

    If anyone else has a photo or two they’d like to share with us here at FTL,
    simply send the photo out as a .jpg attachment in an e-mail to
    [email protected] and we’ll gladly get that posted here just as
    quickly as we can.

    Posts: 5

    My dad and I were using home made Lindee rigs with salted minnows. We were fishing for Walleye between two islands when dad got stuck in rocks and we stopped. I casted towards the island and she hit like a Bass. It took me 25 minutes to reel this one in. She was so tired when I put her back in the water, I held her up to work her back in for a good 5 minutes before she took off.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Welcome to the site and congratulations on a great catch! Thanks for sharing it with us!

    Posts: 5

    Thanks for the welcome “Mr. Positive”. I’m looking forward to submitting more photos. Stay tuned for more to come.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    Thanks for the welcome “Mr. Positive”. I’m looking forward to submitting more photos. Stay tuned for more to come.

    JAMES!!!!!………….what have you done?!?!

    …………anybody got a wrench? I gotta adjust this a notch or two!

    Keep the pic’s coming! Keeps me from concentrating on lesser important things…………….like…………work…………sleep………….breathing………… know, trivial stuff!

    Richland Center, Wisconsin
    Posts: 67

    yea there it is again at his best! It took me months to lobby for that name.!

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