Looking for Brule R. steelhead fishing buddies

  • 1troutguy
    Posts: 22

    I have been fishing the Brule and other S.Shore streams for 20+yrs. Newer to the W.Metro, looking for persons interested in making some steelhead and/or stream trout excursions. Rick 763-238-2388

    Oakdale MN
    Posts: 134

    I’ll be heading up a few times this spring.
    Shoot me a pm when you are thinking of heading up. And I’ll do the same.

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Where are you from Rick?
    This is something that I have wanted to do for years. Unfortunately, it never seems to fit in
    I am a SE MN stream freak though
    My schedule varies from year to year, but this could be a great way for each of us to live vicariously through one another, when we can not get together.
    Good luck

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 529

    i would love to make a trip up there, however I have never been and don’t have a clue about anything up there I would gladly run up there with you and fish those great trout called steelheads, send me an IM and lets find a time to go

    Posts: 2

    Hey Rick, I’m mosty a so mn trout stream guy but would love to get together for a little change of pace. What’s your time frame?

    Posts: 22

    I spent 9+yrs. in Spring Valley, fished alot on the SE streams. I am located in Montrose now (far W.Metro) I am giving strong consideration to heading to the Brule for the opener sat.31st. I am off at 11am every fri. Rick 763-238-2388 I’ll pm you guys later, thanks for the interest!

    Posts: 2

    Hey Rick, If you need some company on the 31st count me in! Joe 507-951-5510

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