Gun cabinet question

  • jeff korsmo
    Cresco, Ia
    Posts: 99

    Would it be safe to build a gun cabinet into the wall in my basement? Not into the block wall, but cutting through the studwall and making it about 2′ deep, and that would butt me up to the foundation. I was just wondering about the moisture. The basement is a little damp but not bad. I run a dehumidifyer and a fan all year long to prevent any mold growth. But do you think that will be enough to keep any surface rust from starting? Just curious, because Wifey wants to re-do “my” room, and I am looking for options that I can do myself for less money than a gunsafe.

    Posts: 1957

    I wouldn’t. For obvious reasons.


    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    I think if you did it, you’d probably have to put a dehumidifier of some sort right in the gun cabinet. I know they make some type of dehumidifier just for that purpose. When I bought my gun vault they stated that if it was put in a basement, they recommended one.

    southern minnesota
    Posts: 182

    Also make sure that you aren’t cutting any load bearing studs.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Mabe a green treated backer along with a de-humidifer but it still sounds a little dicey, good luck

    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 84

    Some people use an old freezer or fridge? I have a gun safe and use a “golden Rod” dehumidifyer, works great!

    fishing vet
    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 302

    I am a gunsmith and do not know if I would recommend this. But if you did, I would go to Home Depot and get that stuff that you can spred on block that totally seals all of the poors and water proofs it first. This will not keep out condensation and other moisture but it will help. Any moisture left in there will damage your guns and at $150-$350 per gun to get them re-blued you have to figure if your cabnet is worth.

    Another possibality is to cut the recess in the wall and slide a wall safe into the opening, not to take up as much room, and then put in a golden rod to keep the moisture down.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Dehumidifier or dehumidifying element will be a must. Even in a safe, anywhere in the house. Some form of moisture removal is recommended.

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