Mille acs forum???

  • theskindog
    Posts: 3

    Is anyne else having problems getting on the Mille acs forum?

    It’s all I get is a blank page.

    What am i doing wrong?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Nope, no troubles at all on this end. How are you navigating to that particular forum? Anyone else?

    NW Wisconsin
    Posts: 107

    i get a blank screen when i try to go into the southern mn lakes forum, all others are ok

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Nope, no troubles at all on this end. How are you navigating to that particular forum? Anyone else?

    All of the FTL forums are working for me.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    OK now that’s weird. All forums are working perfectly for me and everything is smoking right along. I’m on 56 K dial-up. Is this a one-time deal… you guys try to get to a forum, it comes up blank, and then you don’t hit refresh or is it a consistent/persistent problem? If you get a blank screen, hit F5 or click the “refresh” icon at the top of your monitor screen and let me know if you see this problem multiple times in a row. Please…

    Let me know what you find out and if others are having this type of problem, please jump in here, let me know and we’ll try and diagnose the problem.

    eldridge, ia
    Posts: 709

    Yesterday I was trying to get into the bass column and encountered the same thing. I hit refresh 4-5 times, went to other forums without problem, then back to the bass and nothing. A few hours later it was fine. Thanks.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hmmm. Double Hmmm. Why one single forum would be having a problem like that, when others are fine, is quite an unusual deal. It sounds rather isolated which will make this tough to diagnose. Particularly since I’ve not seen it on my end. How often does this happen.
    Often enough to be a problem?
    I swear and break inanimate objects at home/office daily?

    Thanks so much for this info guys. W/o it I’d have my head in the sand to this issue.

    Cedar Rapids IA
    Posts: 82

    Mille acs works for me James. Im on cable here and running xp and Internet Explorer

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    No problems here. The last thread is about mayflies. Thanks, Bill

    eldridge, ia
    Posts: 709

    Only happened to me on Tuesday, no problems since. Not a huge deal and I would not have said anything but saw somebody else with the same problem. Thanks.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    When you run into something like this I do want to hear about it so please, don’t hestitate to bring this type of thing to my/our attention.

    Good to hear it was a one-time deal and that it’s not been a consistent issue.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    It happened to me once on the Mille Lacs forum yesterday, using a T1 server. Used the back button and then the forward and it came up fine then. One-time deal here, I guess. I went to one of my other computers that’s on a 56K modem and didn’t have this problem at all.


    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063

    I swear and break inanimate objects at home/office daily, but I have not had any problems with blank pages.

    I have had problems where my work computer shows messages I’ve read, and even messages that I posted, as unread at times. I assume it’s just a matter of what info gets stored where.

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