Good luck to Bucky. The Golden Boy’s have a payback from last year. Fasten your seatbelts and let the best team win. Go Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 16, 2007 at 11:36 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » Bring it on Bucky!!!!
Good luck to Bucky. The Golden Boy’s have a payback from last year. Fasten your seatbelts and let the best team win. Go Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go bucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have a date with ND tomorrow!!!!
Good 1st…..Bucky got a little lucky at the end! But it was towards the net….
Has the entire third period taken place in the Wisconsin zone or is it my imagination? Badgers are being seriously out played. I would think a team that needs to win to make the NCAA tournament would look a little less sloppy.
Maybe had they not been on the end of a horsesh!t call at the end of the second period that lead to a MN powerplay goal things could have played out differently. No this isn’t sour grapes; just repeating what the commentators of the game said.
And if the bear wouldn’t have crapped in the road it wouldn’t have gotten run over. Is that a violin I hear playing in the background?
(sorry couldn’t resist)
That is way to convient to not care when both the football and basketball programs stink. If they were winners I guarantee you (MN fans) would then care.
I don’t think so…..I played hoops in Highschool and could care less about it now! The game has changed so much,it’s not even fun to watch!And football……There getting there,now that they got rid of Mason!
I agree…..there were some questionable call…..that went both way’s. It’s just Bucky could’nt do anything with the powerplay’s!
Jeez I sit bit 4 cheeseheads last night and hear the same stuff talkin basketball in a hockey game than get your
in the hallway and watch the game haha It was an awsome game to be at except for the 120 dollar bar tab last night and the beer bath I took at the empty netter HAT TRICK
on my way back up in a bit for the parade and 7PM game
and yes Wisc. got a lesson on spelling last night !!! Go gophs
That is way to convient to not care when both the football and basketball programs stink. If they were winners I guarantee you (MN fans) would then care.
Valid point………..however we are not talking football, basketball, or even last years hockey. We are talking this year, right now in hockey. You are done, pack your little red Bucky bags and go home. Your best hope is the girls team.
( FYI, if you think we are being to tough on the Bucky crowd go back and read the posts from last year. They can dish it out, now lets see if they can take it. )
Spent the day in St. Paul yesterday
and cheering the Gophs on to victory. I am getting ready to do it all over again except today I have to celebrate for St. Patrick too.
Well congrats to the Gopher hockey team, they have finally done something that they have not done since March 8, 1996. Beat the Badgers in post season play.
I totally agree its the golden year for the Gophers! Here at the Wigwam; the crew and customers will be watching the big game coming up as a former golden boy of Baudette used to be a Gopher! Anyways GO GOPHERS!
Well congrats to the Gopher hockey team, they have finally done something that they have not done since March 8, 1996. Beat the Badgers in post season play.
They have lost twice it is not like they play every year in the playoffs. Thats like saying the Vikes are better because the Pack have never beat them in the playoffs!
On my way uptown again to start round 2 of last night and we might have a possible broken finger to report so far by yours truly! Everyone be carful at cross walks and don’t walk into moving cars
be safe everyone happy st pattys day
by the way can I get a little gopher badger history from early 90’s and 80’s as well to see how the badgers are better
cheer us on at the Frozen 4 bucky
That is way to convient to not care when both the football and basketball programs stink. If they were winners I guarantee you (MN fans) would then care.
Oh ya, well my dad can beat up your dad
From one Cheese head to another, Minnesota just has a better Hockey Team and it doesn’t take brain surgery to figure that out. The Badgers have had a terrible year.
So this Cheese head will be rooting for Minnesota and I hope they win the NCAA Tournement.
I just hope that it’s someone from the WCHA, hopefully Minnesota though
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