Selective censoring

  • 2Fishy4U
    Posts: 973

    I was suprised one of mine got deleted about a month ago. The joke was abut politicians, but no specific parties or individuals. I was careful to avoid the Hillary, Bill, GW jokes, etc.

    In hindsight, I suppose if someone loved politicians that might have gotten upset.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    It is very rare for a post of this type to be deleted for the contents of the original post. It is the follow up replies that force our hand most of the time.

    Basically… someone gets torqued off about the contents / topic of the post and goes off. Then we step in.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    When BrianK constantly tries to organize “golf outings” that’s when I get torqued.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359



    TADAAAAA !!!!

    If you open the door…

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1608

    In a spirited debate we all learn something. What I learned from this is some of the “behind the scenes” work that is done to maintain a high quality site like this one. If my little experiment into the “PC” caused you gentlemen any inconveniance, I sincerely apologize.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928


    big g

    Posts: 3835

    The sight is better without the political stuff. Nobody ever changed anyone’s mind here. The perception that yours was deleted by “selective censoring” does more damage than any discussion ever did. How are they doing on pool 9?

    Posts: 156


    In this world 9 out of 10 people find the jokes funny and the 10th person screams bloody murder, writes a seriously nasty email

    Why do the squeeky wheels get greased and the ones that continue to run well get hurt? We should throw away the squeeky wheel and replace it with one that runs well.

    The moderators do a good job and should not have to be harrassed. Can you charge the squeeky wheel with harrassment?

    Posts: 864

    Im with Vikefan. Whether or not I agree with everyones opinion, I would learn alot come election time with a political thread every four years or as local issues arise. Also I get alot of legislature info from peoples comments here like stand your ground bill and others I may not have been aware of. Overall this is an awesome site and you guys/gals? do a great job. Thanks
    seth c

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