This post isn’t in reply to anyone that has added their comments to this thread. I’m hoping to give people a better idea of what really goes on behind the scenes here. Moderating this site when we had 3000 visitors a month was easy. Now that we have half a MILLION visitors a month…. let’s just say that’s a lot of people and personalities trying to call this place home.
I would dare say that the Steering Committee members are, on average, donating 15 – 20 hours a week minimum, each, to moderating this site. Much of it is “not fun” work like talking with members to remind them of site rules, maintaining the site, training staff members & working with me (worst part of the job hands down) to chart the future course and direction of the site.
In a perfect world we could have jokes aimed at politicians on both sides of the isle and it would be all in fun and nobody would get angry.
In this world 9 out of 10 people find the jokes funny and the 10th person screams bloody murder, writes a seriously nasty email to me or the Steering Committee, and threatens to harass our site sponsors into dropping us… all because we tried to “have a sense of humor” and let a questionable joke stay on the site. If we pull it down we get hammered for being Censor-Nazis.
My point being… we honestly try to do the best job possible with each and every post coming down to a snap gut-instinct type judgement that basically tries to anticipate the range of potential and likely replies and the resulting “mood” of the thread.
Most of the time we get it right and nobody even notices. Occassionally we make a move that gets under someone’s skin. On those occassions we ask for your understanding… and do know that at our core our goal is to be as unbiased and even-handed as humanly possible.