Just read in Consumer Reports from April, 2007.
Chevy Silverado is primarily built in Mexico and Canada.
Ford F series and Dodge Ram are primarily built in Mexico.
Nissan Titan and Toyota Tundra…United States.
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Just read in Consumer Reports from April, 2007.
Chevy Silverado is primarily built in Mexico and Canada.
Ford F series and Dodge Ram are primarily built in Mexico.
Nissan Titan and Toyota Tundra…United States.
Built or assembled ? What part content is American? I would think then they truely would be telling you some good info. Where was the design and testing completed ? Toyota sold about 115,000 Tundra’s last year, compared to almost a million GM full size trucks. I would venture to guess, more Americans are employed by GM alone, than by Toyota and Nissan combined. (Nissan sold less than 85,000 Titans last year)
big g
big g
Cheaper labor. Also, more relaxed laws concerning “hazardous” waste in Mexico(easier to dispose of). I’m not sure about Canada. I bought a Ram PU in 1998. Sticker said 40% mexican manufacturing.
World economy. Way of the future. I love my new GM truck. Nicest vehicle ever. Tight and right. Fast and built to last.
I would have thought you had a Sidekick…. just kidding
Most press you see today, just bashes Ford, Chevy & Dodge, and praises Toyota til no end. Look at all the advertising Toyota does these days, they are in everything. They pay the media’s bills, so the get the grease.
big g
Toyota got some GREAT endorsement in replacement of what I thought was going to be the bassmaster’s classic
One quick note. I bought a new Silverado (2006) due to pricing and comments from GM Employees to avoid to 2007’s because they were rushed to production. Anyway, I highly recommend the extended warranty. My son has a bit older GM Truck and is a GM Auto Tech as some of you know. Between about 90,000 mles and 120,000 thousand he has installed a new engine and now a new tranny.
According to the kid, who works for GM the Toyota Tundra has a stronger tranny, bigger brakes and an engine that will last longer.
Iroically, the new transimission that is being installed this weekend is not an OEM GM tranny. It comes from a shop that guarantees their tranmissions are about 2X stronger then anything GM produces.
My point is I doubt if your truck was built to last so go for the extended warranty and when that runs out trade the truck.
toyota = cheap non union workers all in the us most can’t speak english. I know my f250 was built in kentucky. If your vin number starts with F it was built at the SUPER duty plant in kentucky. TOYOTA IS A JOKE AND I WILL STAND BESIDE IT TILL I SEE IT OUT PULL A FORD, CHEVY, AND DODGE WITH A SLED BEHIND IT DOWN THE TRACK 300 FEET.
This is what i mean by pulling a sled
So you own a truck to pull a sled? Big deal, not to many people use their truck at sled pulls. Some people want reliability, and for their vehicle to last.Why is Toyota known for being one of the most dependable vehicles made?
Between about 90,000 mles and 120,000 thousand he has installed a new engine and now a new tranny.
According to the kid, who works for GM the Toyota Tundra has a stronger tranny, bigger brakes and an engine that will last longer.
My point is I doubt if your truck was built to last so go for the extended warranty and when that runs out trade the truck.
There are a few engines and transmissions out there that will fail. Keep in mind, foreign or domestic, they all can and will break. A lot of people have a mindset that the foreign autos are better. They were better years back, but not today, the domestics are right up there.
According to the kid….. How does he know the engine will last longer? Does Toyota give you a written statement that they promise their vehicles will last longer? I was recently in the GM dealership looking for a new cargo van. Someone here in town has used GM vans in their fleets and some of them now have made it to the 500,000 mile mark on the original engines and transmissions. Maintenance is key.
Your point is, you doubt the truck will last? GM, Ford, and Mopar have a better track record of longevity of pickups over the imports. I’m not saying the Tundra that just arrived isn’t any good, but it will need to prove itself over time to get to where the domestic trucks already have been.
If you don’t have any major problems under the factory warranty, its unlikely you will have any problems thereafter, so don’t bother with the extended warranty. If it is troublesome and its not getting fixed, then consider getting rid of it.
I own a 1995 Chevy Silverado with the 5.7 350V8 with 120000 miles. I also own a 1990 Geo Prizm with the 1.6 L4 with 190000 miles (Toyota engine). These are two of the best engines I have ever owned, so what’s my point? 1.Both companies make good products
2.I am sure glad that open water season is almost here so we can get back to talking about fishing
If you need a open water fix come on down to pool 4 this week that’s where I will be on Tue
I think it’s a good discussion. It brings something new to the table instead of the ol Ford vs. Chevy debate. As far as quality, I have owned 2 GM produts in my life and had a lot of trouble with them. Could be bad luck, could be bad driver. I have owned 4 foreign doohickeys and havent had any major problems i.e. head gasket, heater core, engine, tranny, fuel pressure regulator, O2 sensor, computer mod box, …I think you get my point.
Kevin, I know most people recommend you not buy an extended warranty, but the cost of labor has gotten so high if anything serious happens I would rather have that protection. Nonetheless, I haven’t purchased it yet because my son can fix most any problem, aside from transmissions.
My son’s comments regarding engine problems are based on his experiences with his GM Tahao and an older Ford Ranger I have, as well as the number of new chevy’s he services at the learship he is employed by.
Last summer we put a new engine in the Tahoe at 90,000 miles. A few weeks ago the 4.0L Ford Ranger had a cracked head and a chipped value, so it was time to install new heads at 160,000 miles. The Ford has also had a new transmission and the Chevy is getting one as we speak.
As for Toyota’s, we have owned one Toyota Pick-Up and two 4-Runners. Mechanical problems were always minimal, although the pick-up had plenty of rust problems. The major reason for no longer owning these vehicles was lack of power. None of the trucks performed well when towed at or near their listed towing capacities; hoever, these were all 1990’s vehicles.
Has anyone looked at the frame, suspension, and body of the new toyota???????????????????????? I was at the chicago auto show and talked with the toyota rep. It is NOT impressive at all. As far as my last post with the truck pulling the sled, that is where the proof comes out. Everyone can claim they have more power and torque put it on the track and prove it. If you can’t walk the walk don’t try to talk. If you want long lasting tell me this, how come there are more ford trucks on the road with 250000 miles or more than any other truck built???? If ford is so bad how come they have been the best selling truck for 30 years running????????????
Here is a pic of the new yota. Tell me does it look alot like an F150 or am I just seeing things.
We could go on and on. There are more Ford Trucks on the road because they produced and sold more of the F-Series Truck. Yet the company’s financial condition is horrible and the stock price reflects that, which is a good indication of how the company is really doing.
I am not sure what you meant when you said the frame, body and suspension of the Toyota Truck was not impressive. Do you mean lower quality then the American Trucks, or just something you don’t personally like.
Ford trucks make it past 150,000 miles? I guess the reason they are selling is because of people like you that talk them up so much.What happened to the ranger? Did the Toyota Tacoma whip it right out of it’s spot, and now your feeling threatened by Toyota’s new 1/2 ton. Just like the Toyota Camry,#1 selling car for how many years? If your scared of competition, you can rip on them all you want, but you will not avoid the inevitable.
Toyotas assembled in the US my under paid non union people where at least there are still union people making ford, dodge, and chevy. I was told by the toyota rep that the yota truck will get 14mpg on the highway but pulling something it will get about 10mpg. Not to impressive stats to me.
While you are entitled to your opinion your arguements are weak and the same crap we heard about the Japenese imports back in the 70’s.
The unions and mis-management are what is taking Detroit down now. (Actually it’s the NFTA agreements but that will start a political debate and this thread will get nuked )It all started back in the 60’s and 70’s when Detroit was producing crap. They opened the doors and the Japanese came in. Deal with it.
Before you decide I don’t know what I’m talking about. I was driving in the 70’s, I doubt you were even born. My dad was a mechanic for Ford for 20 years, he knew ALL cars and trucks in and out. Being a proud union member he also understood the unions. Finally, I have never owned a import. My previous Ford F150 had 325,000 miles on it when I sold it. My current ’03 Gmc Sierra has 256,000 miles and going strong.
Other then patriotism there is no reason not to consider all makes and models.
SO what are you saying all union employees are idiots because they are ruining cities???? My dad has been a UAW member for 30 years and my brother has been for 5 years. There is a reason you buy a union made vehicle outside of the name to support the union employees and their families.
toyota = cheap non union workers all in the us most can’t speak english
Honda – Where are you pulling this info from? My brother supports a family of 5 working at the Tundra plant in Indiana. I spoke with him last week and he did have a slight southern draw, but he was still speaking english. That sure is a sweet picture of the Ford pulling the sled.
Sorry I just think if you are going to build vehicles in the US you are part of the United Auto Workers union. Also the toyota is NOT E85 so how does that support any farmer in the heartland???????? It doesn’t.
I dont’t have any valid opinions to interject here….. Just wanted to say I LOVE MY FORD F150!!!
Sure is a lot of silly statements being made here.
I think it is time for eveyone to break the cabin fever and go fishing!
Yesterday, I went fishing with my best pal and my cousin. Between the three of us, we boated about 60 walleyes and 30 saugers on P4, including 1 smallie that went a solid 3+ pounds!
Bladebaits were HOT!!!!!!!
Just wish the fish could have been a little bigger. All we got into mostly were male eyes. Couldn’t find the big pigs yet. Sure was fun!!!!
Purple blade baits were the hot color!
Yesterday, I went fishing with my best pal and my cousin. Between the three of us, we boated about 60 walleyes and 30 saugers on P4, including 1 smallie that went a solid 3+ pounds!
Bladebaits were HOT!!!
Don’t start saying you have friends to go fishing with, it might start another fight here.
And who knows, maybe someone will say bladebaits aren’t any good.
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